Stoney McFried
Well-Known Member
you DO realize you have to be 18 on here, right?
sweet im only 16 so im just getting started haha
sweet im only 16 so im just getting started haha
oh fuck i forgot now ill prolly get deleted again... i always forget not to mention that fact
yea im retarded its happened b4 but maybe this will be overlooked hopefully
playing with chilluns again, stoney?
i think you overestimate our profile
tanku for the rep btw. you blew by me with boxes! and i don't mean, well, you know what i mean.
reds are 200, right? shit, i got 130 more before that sucker.
one problem is this... you go and help people out, people with near-worthless rep give you props. you make a funny on the boards, you get huge rep. is that how it's supposed to work? i mean, in terms of quantity of reps i've received way more rep on the newbie help boards and such, but quantity of points is no contest ...
Awww, cee, I had to rep you cuz I know you deserve it.