you mean 18, right? because then you be of the age to post in these forums. I was banned for that while I was 17.
Well, I won't be editing mine just to protect him...sorry tokey, I have nothing against you, but I'm not going to aid you in this, cuz I don't want banned.
i think you overestimate our profile :)

tanku for the rep btw. you blew by me with boxes! and i don't mean, well, you know what i mean.
reds are 200, right? shit, i got 130 more before that sucker.

one problem is this... you go and help people out, people with near-worthless rep give you props. you make a funny on the boards, you get huge rep. is that how it's supposed to work? i mean, in terms of quantity of reps i've received way more rep on the newbie help boards and such, but quantity of points is no contest ...
I dunno...I just get rep cuz I make folks laugh, apparently.
reds are 200, right? shit, i got 130 more before that sucker.

one problem is this... you go and help people out, people with near-worthless rep give you props. you make a funny on the boards, you get huge rep. is that how it's supposed to work? i mean, in terms of quantity of reps i've received way more rep on the newbie help boards and such, but quantity of points is no contest ...