do you want to some day? if having the ability to pick up virtually any instrument and be able to play it and sound good make you an intelligent person? because I have that skill and my girlfriend exclaimed, profoundly, and was totally out of line when she told me that having skills like that make me an intelligent person. that I just don't care about school and don't focus enough. WHAT THE FUCK!!?
Its called puberty, boys.;)

I hit puberty long ago stoney. I can grow a beard in some spots, but not a full beard. that will hopefully kick in later in my life, when I care less about my appearance. I'm still a college boy, I don't want a full beard right now. I need women.
My brother does that all time, the picking up the instrument and mastering it thing. He picked up an accordion in a music store once and played the Mario Bros theme. I asked him when he learned to play it he said "just now."
I don't care for beards either.
I hit puberty long ago stoney. I can grow a beard in some spots, but not a full beard. that will hopefully kick in later in my life, when I care less about my appearance. I'm still a college boy, I don't want a full beard right now. I need women.
im not sure wut ur saying... but i love playing music and i dont care about school... i want a beard now

music is better then marijuana. I'd rather play an instrument then smoke a blunt (depending on the type of weed and instrument). my primary instruments are the drums and percussion instruments, the piano and guitar but I can play anything that I pick up. I can make entire songs right on the spot or figure out songs that already exist without learning any notes. it's fucking insane. if i applied myself I could be one of the best musicians you have ever heard. but I'd rather do other shit then take music lessons.
lol i play guitar im pretty good im lead guitarist in a band now and its fucking awesome we got tons of connections and shit im excited... but i do both, i dont choose between marijuana and guitar, i smoke a blunt then play the guitar =] y not? they are the two best things put on this earth in my own opinion
My brother does that all time, the picking up the instrument and mastering it thing. He picked up an accordion in a music store once and played the Mario Bros theme. I asked him when he learned to play it he said "just now."

yeah man that's the type of shit that I do. but I like making up my own music. I can't read music for the piano or guitar very but I still sound better then a person who could. fuck reading music anyway if you can play perfectly by ear
I wish I hadn't fucked off...being a singer was the only thing that made me happy.
music is better then marijuana. I'd rather play an instrument then smoke a blunt (depending on the type of weed and instrument). my primary instruments are the drums and percussion instruments, the piano and guitar but I can play anything that I pick up. I can make entire songs right on the spot or figure out songs that already exist without learning any notes. it's fucking insane. if i applied myself I could be one of the best musicians you have ever heard. but I'd rather do other shit then take music lessons.
what kind of music does your band called? do you guy's have a myspace? I have been making beats for rappers and hip-hop artists lately. I freestyle pretty well, too haha
our band doesnt have that shit yet, we play rock... we just got together for a month from april to may and then we fucking stopped and now we're getting back together tomorrow actually but we got like 8 unperfected songs and a lot of connections .... one lead singer and the bassist were in a band facemaker

its rock/metal but in this new band my bro is a real good freestyle and singer so hes in it too now so we have more diversity

what kind of music does your band called? do you guy's have a myspace? I have been making beats for rappers and hip-hop artists lately. I freestyle pretty well, too haha
I play instruments better MOST of the time while I am high. sometimes I just can't do it. anyone here a tokin athlete?
our band doesnt have that shit yet, we play rock... we just got together for a month from april to may and then we fucking stopped and now we're getting back together tomorrow actually but we got like 8 unperfected songs and a lot of connections .... one lead singer and the bassist were in a band facemaker

its rock/metal but in this new band my bro is a real good freestyle and singer so hes in it too now so we have more diversity

cool good luck. I loved playing in bands but now I am just into doing my own thing.