Mornln' 40, Twisty, and all. Another day, dull and grey here so far, looks like rain!! It can stop anytime now too, we've had enough. I want sun!! My outdoor girls want sun too!!

Tell me about it..23 days of sun out of about 65.............. plus 5 in a row to come..
Shitty twistys twistys pics up...they're small, but had to try before I get a camera & bigger pics up.. jimmy I put a Drum pic up too (also shitty)... now I'm going to work on figuring out photoB, now that I downloaded it and kind of get this pic thing....just barely,, What an event..I need to lie down

Having experimented with the tweak in the past, I can say they're not all bad...if they can keep from getting hooked.

Been there ....done that...... lost a lot................. everything...:cry:
I'm sorry to hear that. I've always been able to back off, but not everyone can.
One day I just said enough and quite..I like eating & sleeping more..that was about 17 years ago......... everyone has a vice they can't control (gambling, sex, stealing..etc) pray to god you don't find yours....
I have....pepsi....I get caffeine headaches if I don't have it. I've quit several times. But I love it.:mrgreen:
One day I just said enough and quite..I like eating & sleeping more..that was about 17 years ago......... everyone has a vice they can't control (gambling, sex, stealing..etc) pray to god you don't find yours....
Do you remember peanut butter twix came out in the 80's, and then it went away for a while?Then when they brought it back they were like NEW! Peanut Butter Twix!!!
Years ago they tried to change Kit Kat and everyone went nuts..its the biggest selling bar in the world... ever try those candies that you grew up on now.. sweet tarts, black balls , McIntosh toffee...ju jubes..they taste like shit now...made out of crap...
Hi Chiceh & Stoney... Pepsi is the best..I remember those old soft drink machines that they'd load the syrop & water and the fountain put it together &&&& COLD..

Oh I remember those, I worked at Burger King in highschool and we had to haul those co2 tanks around to hook them up to the fountains, lol. :mrgreen::peace:
jujubes are like wax jaw cement. those things are a work out. i prefer dots.

i have some "bubble up" soda. my girlfriends mom says it hasnt been around for a while.
Oh I remember those, I worked at Burger King in highschool and we had to haul those co2 tanks around to hook them up to the fountains, lol. :mrgreen::peace:

its still the same at a bar. the soda gun is hooked up to water, co2, and boxes of syrup.