New Wisconsin voter ID Law

Sending in an absentee ballot isnt a bad idea but it has to be a solid system good enough where its detected if a vote is also cast in person...

A few weeks for an id? There is sufficient time no excuses
Having to wait for an ID card in the mail after it has been shredded by a furious ID card eating dog two days before voting could be problematic.

You deny a person their rights unless you allow another form of common ID, mail does well as I said.
Sending in an absentee ballot isnt a bad idea but it has to be a solid system good enough where its detected if a vote is also cast in person...
The registrar check his voter registrations against each other, in California a ballot hasn't even been printed for me because I am an absentee voter.

If I do vote twice somehow it doesn't matter, the absentee ballot is thrown away as to is compared to the registration logs.
There is plenty of time to get an id. I think you are twisting the difference between have the right to vote or not having the right to vote.
You want to make voting difficult, you do not care about fraud. If you did care about fraud you wouldn't come up with reasons to deny people their rights. There is no reasonable reason to force people to have photo ID.

Again, how does a voter who had their ID eaten vote now? I like mail being used as an ID personally.
A piece of mail alone is stupid. I can google people in my area and it says what party they are registered to and their addy. You can steal a piece of mail from their box. So mail is not secure.

I have the right to bare arms, i think my right is being taken because i need to jump through all these hoops and wait for a background check. dont you think i should just have to show a piece of mail so they know im legit?
Where i live to vote i had to go to the registrar with id and i believe piece of mail but cant recall and register. There is different poll places and the one in your district has you on a list. Once you arrive you show your valid state id and get checked off the list. Not bad imo as long as the registrar looks in to your id to make sure youre legit
A piece of mail alone is stupid. I can google people in my area and it says what party they are registered to and their addy. You can steal a piece of mail from their box. So mail is not secure.

I have the right to bare arms, i think my right is being taken because i need to jump through all these hoops and wait for a background check. dont you think i should just have to show a piece of mail so they know im legit?
Dude, I dig firearms, like . . . A lot. I have often struggled with the background check situation and ultimately concluded that they do more good than harm.

Requiring strict voter photo ID harms people, not helps them.
Where i live to vote i had to go to the registrar with id and i believe piece of mail but cant recall and register. There is different poll places and the one in your district has you on a list. Once you arrive you show your valid state id and get checked off the list. Not bad imo as long as the registrar looks in to your id to make sure youre legit
Ultimately all registrations are compared to polling lists of those who voted, errant or invalidated ballots are destroyed. The whole process makes fraud extremely difficult to successfully pull off, even without strict photo ID voter laws.
Lol i was being sarcastic about the gun thing. I dont care about the hoops what matters is the fact you can...

I agree voting should be easy but securing the vote is imperative
Lol i was being sarcastic about the gun thing. I dont care about the hoops what matters is the fact you can...

I agree voting should be easy but securing the vote is imperative
We could also setup a literal obstacle course in front of every polling place, I am sure I wouldn't be able to get through it because of my physical frailties, my rights would not be impeded because I 'can' vote right?
God forbid you need to get an id and/or bring a piece of mail. This lazy attitude is why welfare is so fucking high. Get off your ass and use your head! Nobody would be losing a right, i repeat, NOBODY WOULD BE LOSING A RIGHT.

I wont take the voting mandatory thing very serious because as much of a marxist as obama is, it wont fly

only 4% of americans are on welfare at any given time, and over 50% of them are only on welfare for less than 2 years.
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so tell me which 18 states those are then.

They do an inquiry with the DMV but don't need verification for registration, eventually they stick your name on the registration lists.

When I voted in person, not absentee, I was able to walk in to my polling place state my name, receive my ballot and vote. No ID cards needed, pretty awesome. More states should adopt this type of registration, more voters.
Do I need a California driver license or California identification card to apply online? What happens if the Department of Motor Vehicles does not have my signature on file when I try to submit an application online?
All Californians who are eligible to vote may fill out a voter registration applicationthrough the Secretary of State's website. California military and overseas votersmay also use the Secretary of State's website to fill out a voter registration application and request a special absentee ballot. If you do not have a California driver license or identification card number but you enter your other information, the website will create a pre-filled voter registration application for you to print, sign, and mail. All of your information will be sent directly to your county elections office so that when your signed application arrives in the mail, the county elections staff will simply add your signature to your voter registration record.

They do an inquiry with the DMV but don't need verification for registration, eventually they stick your name on the registration lists.

When I voted in person, not absentee, I was able to walk in to my polling place state my name, receive my ballot and vote. No ID cards needed, pretty awesome. More states should adopt this type of registration, more voters.
Do I need a California driver license or California identification card to apply online? What happens if the Department of Motor Vehicles does not have my signature on file when I try to submit an application online?
All Californians who are eligible to vote may fill out a voter registration applicationthrough the Secretary of State's website. California military and overseas votersmay also use the Secretary of State's website to fill out a voter registration application and request a special absentee ballot. If you do not have a California driver license or identification card number but you enter your other information, the website will create a pre-filled voter registration application for you to print, sign, and mail. All of your information will be sent directly to your county elections office so that when your signed application arrives in the mail, the county elections staff will simply add your signature to your voter registration record.

thank you!

i knew glaucoma was gonna be too much of a pussy to respond because he sensed the trap i was setting.


california, a state with no voter ID laws, has 4 pages of laws concerning the identification of voters!

well, i guess we can put this whole "voter ID" thing behind us now, seeing as how every single state already has voter ID laws, and they boast a 99.9998849% rate of verification!

well done, america.

thank you!

i knew glaucoma was gonna be too much of a pussy to respond because he sensed the trap i was setting.


california, a state with no voter ID laws, has 4 pages of laws concerning the identification of voters!

well, i guess we can put this whole "voter ID" thing behind us now, seeing as how every single state already has voter ID laws, and they boast a 99.9998849% rate of verification!

well done, america.
