kill all dangerous dogs

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ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
kill all theses fighting dog breeds what is there point,except to fight, you ever tried unlock a terriors grip from a 6 year olds defensles body hmmmmmm didnt think so hey ,but i guess you got it tied up real good yeah, id killl you before i got revenge on dog
I'm with snaps ^^. its the owners fault, just as if you went and robbed a bank
who they gonna jail you are too young,
so they blame your parents,
and send you to a tough school for 17yo

Beside I just love dogfights I always win some good needy cash, chicken fights too,
I never under stand why the west is so revolted about them,
don't race horse owners thrash their horses around the track???

and in British states Australia and Malta many of these dogs are banned then eaten
kill all theses fighting dog breeds what is there point,except to fight, you ever tried unlock a terriors grip from a 6 year olds defensles body hmmmmmm didnt think so hey ,but i guess you got it tied up real good yeah, id killl you before i got revenge on dog

What a ridiculous pointless and senseless thing too say.

Why don't we just kill you as your annoying people on a forum, that's worse imo ;p
dude ive been chased down by a fucking golden retriever

and all the dogs that are "family dogs" are more vicious then pit bulls

okay lets look at it this way for a second

there's two kids Kid A and Kid B

kid A has loving parents who treat him well and support him

the other one Kid B has shitty parents that give him NO discipline and barley take care of them selves let alone another human being

which one do you think is most likely to turn into a criminal Kid A or Kid B????????????????????

there both humans so you cant just say "kid B's genetic traits make him more likely to be a criminal"

so how can you say the same about a dog
kill all theses fighting dog breeds what is there point,except to fight, you ever tried unlock a terriors grip from a 6 year olds defensles body hmmmmmm didnt think so hey ,but i guess you got it tied up real good yeah, id killl you before i got revenge on dog
Your answer is to kill all these dogs? Douche. I hope a pitbull named 'Karma' catches up to your dumbass...
I'm with snaps ^^. its the owners fault, just as if you went and robbed a bank
who they gonna jail you are too young,
so they blame your parents,
and send you to a tough school for 17yo

Beside I just love dogfights I always win some good needy cash, chicken fights too,
I never under stand why the west is so revolted about them,
don't race horse owners thrash their horses around the track???

and in British states Australia and Malta many of these dogs are banned then eaten
Dog fights are sick, these animals are gentle trusting creatures with the loyalty no human being can match, its the owners that choose to make them nasty by treating them with cruelty, just as a human that has been mistreated it acts on what it knows. And the reason the west is so revolted by them is because they are a nation of dog lovers and hate to see them suffer just to make money for brain dead cretins that should work for their money.
our last dog, the one we had before we won the puppy lottery with ms sandy pants, was a mean, rotten, bunny eating, straight up killa..
but, we, as responsible owners, who knew this, simply kept him away from people.. w/e someone came to visit, out in the yard, or kitchen if it were cold, he'd go.. how many people did he bite as result? zero, nil, nada, how many would he have liked to have bitten? each and every one of them..
saddest day of my life was when i went in to see him lying on the floor after he was put down.. :(
I'm sitting right next to my blue nose Pitbull and he has never posed a threat to anyone.

I have many friends with pitbulls and dogos and all are well behaved nice natured dogs.

It's clearly down to education which ironically the OP possesses very little of.

my friend, who's dog is in the pix, has three of them now, and absolutely loves them all.. you can tell they're all sweet hearts by her many pix of them..
"Kill all the genetics which threaten us."

Sounds kinda Nazi.

It's also the same type of logic that resulted in violent enforcement of cannabis prohibition.

They cite "danger" as justification, but the enforcers are the primary source of danger. They act to endanger us, and in so doing, endanger us, themselves, and others, in the process.

Doing the wrong things to a dog is what causes a dog to bite, not merely allowing them to be born. Killing the dog because it's reacting to stimuli you gave it, is not the right way, and doesn't solve your imposition of the wrong stimuli.
kill all theses fighting dog breeds what is there point,except to fight, you ever tried unlock a terriors grip from a 6 year olds defensles body hmmmmmm didnt think so hey ,but i guess you got it tied up real good yeah, id killl you before i got revenge on dog

Eloquently put. Lol. :dunce:

I've grown up around a LOT of dogs....All breeds, all sizes. This guy right here is the most affectionate, well-behaved SCAREDY CAT of a dog. LOL. I have a Black Lab also. Guess which one digs under the fence and runs around terrorizing the neighborhood? Yep. The black lab.

Let's turn this into the "MY PITBULL IS AWESOME" thread. :)IMG_0987.jpg IMG_3007.jpg IMG_1114.jpg
Next thread: kill all carnivores. And elephants....yeah and spiders and nasty bugs. Oh yeah, those real toxic fish, and jellyfish. Oleander and nightshade, don't forget them boys
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