kill all dangerous dogs

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our last dog, the one we had before we won the puppy lottery with ms sandy pants, was a mean, rotten, bunny eating, straight up killa..
but, we, as responsible owners, who knew this, simply kept him away from people.. w/e someone came to visit, out in the yard, or kitchen if it were cold, he'd go.. how many people did he bite as result? zero, nil, nada, how many would he have liked to have bitten? each and every one of them..
saddest day of my life was when i went in to see him lying on the floor after he was put down.. :(
Some years back I had a large terrier mix - around 100 lbs, I had him from about week 8 and doted on him. He and I were inseparable for years and of course I trained/taught him as necessary - he was very well behaved. I never let him out without a leash or runner because I believe in owner control and that it's my responsibility.
Driving home from the grocery store one afternoon another neighborhood dog chased my pick up with my dog chained in the back - they had words but eventually the other dog dropped off & I thought no more of it.
When I got home I grabbed the groceries, unsnapped his lead & we headed for the house. Kids were playing in the street & a bigger boy pushed down a smaller guy of around 6 or so - and my dog immediately ran over and picked him up by the thigh & shook him badly. When I got there I kicked my dog viciously and picked up the boy.
Long story short - emergency room visit, stitches & shots.
I put my dog down - my best friend that had never shown a mean bone in his life.

In a nutshell, like people - dogs can be unpredictable even if they are your best friend and foretelling this by breed is pretty much a fools endeavor.

polo the don

Well-Known Member
Eloquently put. Lol. :dunce:

I've grown up around a LOT of dogs....All breeds, all sizes. This guy right here is the most affectionate, well-behaved SCAREDY CAT of a dog. LOL. I have a Black Lab also. Guess which one digs under the fence and runs around terrorizing the neighborhood? Yep. The black lab.

Let's turn this into the "MY PITBULL IS AWESOME" thread. :)View attachment 3268222 View attachment 3268220 View attachment 3268223
We have a Pittbull lab mix. Guess what else we have?! Holes!!image.jpg

Meet Gabbie.
This is Gabb and my 3 year old son, "Bubby".
These two cannot be separated. She talks the talk but don't walk the walk. Big ass 95 pound teddy bear. She physically has what it takes to bring down the biggest of men but she don't know it and would never try.
Her looks are an imposing force of their own. A stranger would never cross her path even though all she would do is lick them to death. She loves giving kisses.


Well-Known Member
I was walking from someone's house one tine walking down the road

All of a sudden I hear branches cracking in the woods I thought oh fuck its Jason or some shit

So I faced it and out came a dog fucking growing its ass off showing teeth so I yelled at it "fuck off you piece of shit"

And it ran me down

I got maybe half a mile and my fat ass was out of breath I slowed down and it bit my elbow

Btw my dad said if a dog bites you push whatever ut bit towrds the back of the dogs mouth

So I remembered this

And I did it

Still got a scar ill upload a pic tomorrow but im tired af to fool with it right now

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
If I walked outside and some people were kicking the shit out of some guy..I would maybe help depending on how the situation looked. .... If you look like a piece of shit...I'm not going to risk myself for you!!...If I seen that happening to a dog I would run to the dogs aid .. and not think about myself at all...When I was younger I've gotten into fights with people that have hit my dog thinking it was cool...


Well-Known Member
Why do all pit bull owners have a chip on their shoulder? Seems they all have something to prove. Pretty much why they got a pit bull in the first place.


Well-Known Member
That's why dog suck.

To say "My pit bull would never hurt anyone", is to be an irresponsible pit bull owner.
A raccoon just attacked both of my dogs. How irresponsible to have one on your avatar. ALL RACCOONS MUST DIE! Why do raccon lovers always turn out to be nagging women?

See. It's easy to skew anything.

OH. Ps.......Guess who just shot a big ass raccoon? Dogs have battle wounds but are stoked :)


Well-Known Member
A raccoon just attacked both of my dogs. How irresponsible to have one on your avatar. ALL RACCOONS MUST DIE! Why do raccon lovers always turn out to be nagging women?

See. It's easy to skew anything.

OH. Ps.......Guess who just shot a big ass raccoon? Dogs have battle wounds but are stoked :)

Beat up by a raccoon. What a bitch.


Well-Known Member
that ones a coon and that ones a jew , who let all of this riff raff into the room , theres one smoking a joint and another with spots , if i had my way , theyd all be shot !!

hats off to ya sativa you made the riu ,"dumbass of the year" award.
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