Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

Well we got hit by rippers saturday morning around 5am. They came with a car and a uhaul truck we are on an acre so didn't here them until they were in the back yard we had a couple small plants we had brought from another location that would not fit in my main cage. Luckily we had already trimmed the tops off 4 of them so the got about 1 and a 1/2 plants about 3' tall that probably still had 3 weeks. The dumb asses tried to pull them out of the dirt so from what they dropped seems like they even messed that up because they were covered in soil. We heard them trying to get the main fence gate open were they had the uhaul backed up but that is not possible since I toe nailed it with about 20 3" grabbers so all they could do was throw it over. It was 3 for sure but I think there might have been a 4th they took off as soon as I lit them up with my 4 500w quartz flood lights that make my backyard bright as day. It was just me and my girl that night we did not follow them becuase the plants the took were now worthless so nothing good was going to come from it even though I really wanted to. I geuss now that i'm older I understand what is really important and my life is to busy for pissing matches. My main cage would take alot of time to breech so i'm not to worried but just to be on the safe side we fortified the fences, put up more barb wire, added motion alarms and borrowed a friends dogs. I just hate that the seen the big plants we stiil have at least 3 weeks on some so here's to long nights and please remember to keep your guard up but most importantly stay safe.
Well we got hit by rippers saturday morning around 5am. They came with a car and a uhaul truck we are on an acre so didn't here them until they were in the back yard we had a couple small plants we had brought from another location that would not fit in my main cage. Luckily we had already trimmed the tops off 4 of them so the got about 1 and a 1/2 plants about 3' tall that probably still had 3 weeks. The dumb asses tried to pull them out of the dirt so from what they dropped seems like they even messed that up because they were covered in soil. We heard them trying to get the main fence gate open were they had the uhaul backed up but that is not possible since I toe nailed it with about 20 3" grabbers so all they could do was throw it over. It was 3 for sure but I think there might have been a 4th they took off as soon as I lit them up with my 4 500w quartz flood lights that make my backyard bright as day. It was just me and my girl that night we did not follow them becuase the plants the took were now worthless so nothing good was going to come from it even though I really wanted to. I geuss now that i'm older I understand what is really important and my life is to busy for pissing matches. My main cage would take alot of time to breech so i'm not to worried but just to be on the safe side we fortified the fences, put up more barb wire, added motion alarms and borrowed a friends dogs. I just hate that the seen the big plants we stiil have at least 3 weeks on some so here's to long nights and please remember to keep your guard up but most importantly stay safe.

Sorry to hear...

You won't be the only one up all night till the end of harvest. We have taken some down, but with 24 (2lb+) plants. (Wife no longer has a job) I'll be up every night doing security, fully dressed and ready to defend our hard work.

Again sorry to hear. Be vigilant, and stay safe.
Not give it a week or 2. Wait for the hairs to turn brown and recede back into the buds. Also should swell a lot between not and then, Looks great man,
Thanks Shelby...worried with rain moving in. Moved her under the eve of the house...40 Mile an hour winds with the rain. :(
I just found it unsettling, unnerving and wish it hadn't happened.
:-) :-)

Now mind you I live next to a small airport. I never realized how busy this thing was. I got 15-20 planes and at least that many helicopters. And to top it off the National Guard is flying their stuff out of there looking for plants. This is not a legal state. I have had to say fuck it I'll worry when they knock on the door.
@mwooten102 no haha. It is some "lean". "Purple sprite". Never again will I drink lean and eat edibles. Next morning it is near impossible to wake up lol. Best sleep I ever had tho.
@S'Manta did you read about the guy who got killed in Corcoran like a week or 2 ago? Rippers tried to rob a rather large grow an I guess they were met with resistance. The two rippers just opened fire on the growers (shocked by the resistance I suppose).