kill all dangerous dogs

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Doesn't this go against your point?

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I put the heart on for you Baby girl. :hump::hump::hump:

Just like a pit bull owner. Always trying to prove themselves. Didn't Daddy teach you how to be a man? Too much of a bitch to own a beagle. Gotta prove how tough you are by living through a vicious animal. lol, Good luck, Jr.

Funny how your pathetic dogs couldn't fend for themselves. Bitches got beat down by a furry little critter.
Just like a pit bull owner. Always trying to prove themselves. Didn't Daddy teach you how to be a man? Too much of a bitch to own a beagle. Gotta prove how tough you are by living through a vicious animal. lol, Good luck, Jr.

Funny how your pathetic dogs couldn't fend for themselves. Bitches got beat down by a furry little critter.

What is your problem? I've got a pitbull who I gave a home to and my German shepherd was rescued. It's stupid to assume that people go out of their ways to own these dogs for image.

Pretty much reflects the mentality of where you come from sady.
My kitty cat has pretty sharp claws... Best go euthanize her, just in case.

Although by all means put down all these fighting dogs, it would certainly help to remove some of the ugly from the gene pool :)
First they came for the Pit Bulls, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Pit Bulls.

Then they came for the Staffordshire Terriers, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Staffordshire Terriers.

Then they came for the Shar Pei, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Shar Rei.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
that ones a coon and that ones a jew , who let all of this riff raff into the room , theres one smoking a joint and another with spots , if i had my way , theyd all be shot !!

hats off to ya sativa you made the riu ,"dumbass of the year" award.

I was listening to that song as I read this and i totally freaked out for a second
I used to hate pits. About 15 years ago these crack heads had a pit puppy to sell for drugs. I bought the dog. Kept him 8 years. Had to put him down due to illness. He was raised around 3 kids.
The only time I seen him try to bite, My drunk neighbor thought it would be funny to smack a hat off my friends head.
The dog was close to my friend and liked him. He almost got ate. He stopped his car and put hands on my friend and thought it was the dogs fault.
Pitts were not bred to fight. They were bred for protection against bears and boars.
Learn your history, retards.

Pit Bull Terrier
The Pit Bull Terrier was created by breeding mastiffs[citation needed] and terriers together to produce a dog that combined the gameness and agility of the terrier with the strength of the mastiff.[5] These dogs were bred in England as all-around farm dogs, and arrived in the United States where they became the direct ancestors of the American Pitbull Terrier. In the United Kingdom Pit Bulls were used in bloodsports such as bull baiting, bear baiting and cock fighting. These bloodsports were officially eliminated in 1835 as Britain began to introduce animal welfare laws. Since dogfights were cheaper to organise and far easier to conceal from the law than bull or bear baits, bloodsport proponents turned to pitting their dogs against each other instead. Dog fighting was used as both a bloodsport (often involving gambling) and a way to continue to test the quality of their stock. For decades afterwards, dog fighting clandestinely took place in small areas of Britain and America. In the early 20th century pitbulls were used as catch dogs in America for semi-wild cattle and hogs, to hunt, and drive livestock, and as family companions.[5] Some have been selectively bred for their fighting prowess.[6][7]
From personal experience those dogs that are meant to be dangerous appear to me genuinely loving towards people and extemely playful.
Just keep denying it, as more people get hurt.

If you can't admit to the dangers involved you aren't being a responsible dog owner.
Of course it needs to be tough for protection, so does a body gaurd.

Did you read the article? They were breed to be tame to humans.

Just keep denying it, as more people get hurt.

If you can't admit to the dangers involved you aren't being a responsible dog owner.

I never denied anything. My dog was always on a lease or in the house or a 200 ft aircraft cable.
I loved that dog but I would have been the first one to shoot him if he was the dog you think.
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