Gas BELOW $3 Gallon..


Well-Known Member
Yeah. I have heard several estimates the gas prices by election are going to be low.

When you get inter-Islam wup ass, and finally see we need Iran in this so they (not us) can glass over the House of Saud when the world finishes drinking their oil... only then do we see what the Press calls Stability in this World. Putin is a punk-ass when light sweet crude is $90. He turns into a threat when above $110.

At $90 there is not enough profit to re-arm very well.

Thanks Obama.
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Well-Known Member
Cum Cum members did the white house just not blow away the ISIS refineries, and some of 'ours'
those guys in florida stuck in a container all day flying them UAV's are just worn
out flying their bots over the Arabs all day ...and always get the wrong target


Well-Known Member
The reason it's so cheap is because it's illegal to export the domestic supply.

However lobbyists are furiously lobbying (seemingly successfully) to have that lifted.

So enjoy it while it lasts, and keep sucking Obama balls for something that is nothing to do with him.


Well-Known Member
Cum Cum members did the white house just not blow away the ISIS refineries, and some of 'ours'
those guys in florida stuck in a container all day flying them UAV's are just worn
out flying their bots over the Arabs all day ...and always get the wrong target
When ISIL says we hit the wrong targets you can bet we did not.


Well-Known Member
The reason it's so cheap is because it's illegal to export the domestic supply.

However lobbyists are furiously lobbying (seemingly successfully) to have that lifted.

So enjoy it while it lasts, and keep sucking Obama balls for something that is nothing to do with him.
i'd eat obama's shorts if i could:hump:


Well-Known Member
for those who will inevitably mis-quote the price when bush left office..let's look in, shall we?:mrgreen:

On Aug 18, 2008 it was $3.71 and Sep. 29, 2008 it was $3.64 then it started falling as the economy crashed. 3.11 by Oct 13, 2.34 by Nov. 3, and 1.79 by December 1, 2008. Bottomed out at 1.59 on December 29. 2008. By Feb. 2, it was $1.87 and by March 30, $2.03.

That's kind of an outlier though, because from Dec. 31, 2007 to Oct. 13, 2008 gas was over $2.95, peaking at a price of $4.05 on July 14, 2008.


Well-Known Member
I am confused, what did he do to drop the oil prices? Just call his buddies up and tell them the plan or what?
Well,,,,he did just as much now, as he did when gasoline was much higher. It's his fault both ways though! :-D
So basically, if you blamed him for high gasoline prices(like it seemed most ree-rees did), you must now give him credit for lower prices. Rite? Come on:-D
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Well-Known Member
The USA is the largest exporter of Gasoline/diesel/jet fuel in the world. Fuel is our biggest export.

Oil prices have nothing to do with oil demand or supply though. Currently a large glut of oil in the market, has been for 6 years now. Demand has been down since 2007.


Well-Known Member
The USA is the largest exporter of Gasoline/diesel/jet fuel in the world. Fuel is our biggest export.

Oil prices have nothing to do with oil demand or supply though. Currently a large glut of oil in the market, has been for 6 years now. Demand has been down since 2007.
buzz kill.


Well-Known Member
Oil prices below $80 will cripple the Texas and North Dakota oil economies. Most of the smaller oil companies cannot do business at less than $95 per barrel.

Low Oil prices have a 2 prong effect, They harm Russia's purse and they make the US economy look better right before an election.

The US energy department has released 12 million barrels from the strategic reserve since last year, this also helps soften prices.