2nd attemp at a 1st grow!! All advice welcome


Well-Known Member
That plant won't flower until mature or you force it by flipping. You got some burnt tip's but other than that the plant looks good.


Well-Known Member
im cool with it , theres no time factor here just curious
Just remember that it will stretch at least a foot when it flowers. You can flower a plant whenever you feel there's enough bud sites by turning the lamps off. I veg my plants until over a foot tall or I'm satisfied with how many bud sites there is. I don't go by when I started them, although I do keep track of when I started my plants. Rather I just go by how big they are. Same goes with flowering I know when a plant is done by looking at it so I don't bother counting days.
Good luck. Btw I got two grows going now.https://www.rollitup.org/t/new-grows-looking-nice.847063/#post-10949078


Well-Known Member
I think you are in the north of the UK in which case avoid sativia's as you are heading to winter and temps could be an issue later, again for this reason mold could hit you at the worst time, I'd go the way of autoflowers, with a crop at your lips every 90 days.
To my blog for Cervantas tutorials: https://www.rollitup.org/Journal/Entry/12-week-grow-sceneario-cervantas.29407
If I have a proper veg room and a separate bloom tent, how often should I be harvesting if conditions are ideal? Should I be using auto flower to maximize yield? how long do you veg your plants? I have too many questions so if someone has any to add please do.


Active Member
If I have a proper veg room and a separate bloom tent, how often should I be harvesting if conditions are ideal? Should I be using auto flower to maximize yield? how long do you veg your plants? I have too many questions so if someone has any to add please do.
? dunno whats this about ?


Well-Known Member
If I have a proper veg room and a separate bloom tent, how often should I be harvesting if conditions are ideal? Should I be using auto flower to maximize yield? how long do you veg your plants? I have too many questions so if someone has any to add please do.
It seems only in north america are photos still popular as in most of europe autos are the way to go, with the Dutch leading the way, for 2-3 straight years lowryder 2 ...is the most popular, regardless of what the seedbanks say, even in ideal climates like Spain,etc autoflowers are being fazzed in, I'm stunned myself as I like to grow autos in my winter and photos, in the summer, but I suppose its the way of the future ...lol
Depending on strain and you methods aim for a 90 day sequential grow, tho most autos like to go longer ..
perhaps 100 day sequential grow ,,but depends on strain



Well-Known Member
It seems only in north america are photos still popular as in most of europe autos are the way to go, with the Dutch leading the way, for 2-3 straight years lowryder 2 ...is the most popular, regardless of what the seedbanks say, even in ideal climates like Spain,etc autoflowers are being fazzed in, I'm stunned myself as I like to grow autos in my winter and photos, in the summer, but I suppose its the way of the future ...lol
Depending on strain and you methods aim for a 90 day sequential grow, tho most autos like to go longer ..
perhaps 100 day sequential grow ,,but depends on strain

Thanks for a quick thoughtful response. I actually am getting 10 autoflower lowryder seeds. I was considering going 12/12 on the little fuckers. I have a 3x3 currently with a blue dream in 3rd week flower. I heard good things about low ryder...the next in the tent is my aurora og, cheesey smurf, and blue dream. Then eithe the low ryders or cali big buds...have ytbd. cheers everyone...dab of cherry pie...cheers :)


Active Member
here she is about 6 weeks and looking like starting to flower, would this be the time to change to bloom nutes and the cfls to 2700?


Well-Known Member
Their u go mate I new u could do :clap:....looking good mate.....creases in leaves r an indication of to much water ....less is more remember ...


Active Member
Cheers Green
I have been trying not over water or nute but will give less, the pot goes so light by the next day.
Will add more pics later today


Well-Known Member
Looking good, keep it up...and most importantly don't give up! Looks like your second attmept is going great :)


Well-Known Member
Cheers Green
I have been trying not over water or nute but will give less, the pot goes so light by the next day.
Will add more pics later today
Don't be scared to let your plants wilt a little bit if your unsure, a plant that is completely wilted will bounce back within an a couple hours of giving it water, so letting them slightly wilt if your unsure is better than over watering them.