Should i stop smoking weed ?


i am an avid marijuana user...i love mary jane and her effects and over the past 3 years...i've grown accustomed to smoking at least 3 blunts DAILY. I use white owl cigars and not much has changed over the years with the way i smoke (blunts) and what i smoke (local reggie). Now my issue is...just 1 month ago...after returning from my lunch break... i experienced what my doctor told me to be a panic attack...classic symptoms...shortness of breath...chest tightening and that intense fear that i was having a heart fact because i had not had this experience before...i DID CONVINCE myself i was having a heart attack throughout this episode which led to me to feel dizzy...depersonalized and momentarily black out. job can be described as a stressful, competitive environment which i've been working with happily for 2 years and for at least the past year i regularly smoke before coming into work and smoke half a blunt on my lunch break, returning to work everyday happy, refreshed and ready to conquer the remainder of my day, but this day did not go as usual and my question and discussion would be could this possibly be a reaction from the marijuana and if anyone would know why ? My post reactions with weed are apprehensive...since that day...i havent smoked or partaken in a session where a entire blunt is consumed...i hit it once or twice...i feel a faint tightening in my chest and I AM DONE...i kno this could be from anxiety of another panic attack but it has been a month and each time i try the same things happens...and when i try to go past my limit...i feel as if it's happening all over again but THIS time...i am not in fear that i'm dying from a heart attack! i just feel a scary tightening, grasping feeling at whats feel like my heart but radiating from the center of my chest...i have never had any anxiety issues...but i think JUST telling someone they may have anxiety issues...causes anxiety, but i do feel like within the past year and turning 26 and still trying 2 figure out life has taken some effect on my and my mental health and i have begun prozac as prescribed by my doctor...but i miss my weed...i miss that floating care free feeling and i would figure THAT would help with my anxiety...i have not tried any other form of smoking but i did just bake brownies and for one i didnt get as high and when i did feel slightly high...i felt just a few moments of that telltale chest tightening...PLEASE help...everytime i hit the blunt, i say i'm done but i want 2 keep trying 2 see if the problem is there, but i think as of today...i am done and sick of these effects and if that means giving up on weed altogether, then so be it...the problem is JUST THAT scary and i hate that feeling almost more than i love being high at this with the info given are there any solutions or is it best to just stop smoking altogether ??
You have a lot of options....quit for a while see what happens.....smoke less........lose the tobacco, just smoke weed........try different strains......try vaping or edibles........just say screw it and go with the flow. You're only 26, you shouldn't be having these problems. Good luck
Start by cutting out blunts for sure, I gave those up when I was about 19. If you smoke at least 3 daily your probly addicted to the nicotine. Don't know if you smoke cigs but that could be harder than it sounds. I stepped down to papers, and now just smoke a bowl at a time. With reggie you might want to stick with a joints worth.
As far as the anxiety, My mother had to give up smoking because of It. And my pops can only smoke at night. Some people it just happens to. I know if I take a break from smoking and get really baked my first smoke back I can feel a bit uncomfortable, maybe you are smoking too much?
But you have to decide if its worth it. Why smoke if It just makes you uncomfortable? supposed to be a relaxing and enjoyable experience. Good luck and dont go moving on to painkillers or anything foolish....also maybe think of anything that might be causing the anxiety, like you said your in a "quarterlife crisis" maybe once you get things figured out you will be ok... or maybe you know subconsciously you should give it up to better yourself.
Ahhh yes, my friend had this happen to him. Same scenario. almost to the T. He quit for awhile, but is back smokin dabs again and doesnt have the attacks anymore. Its the stress that causes this and sometimes the weed can intensify it. Maybe a career change might be in order for you to make this go away. My friend had college finals and was going threw a bad breakup at the time this started, after the stresss went away from all the bs going on in his life he was better, no more attacks. He claimed to have the same thing when starting back smoking again i.e tightness in chest a bit, but believed it was psychological and he overcame it. The Dr. gave him kilonopin for the attacks so he just keeps those on file incase he needs them. Prozac is horrible plz ween yourself off it.
sounds like you need to take a break, experiment with some psychedelics or drink in the meantime if your like me and need to get fucked up somehow regularly. lay off the blunts, probually the tobacco giving u chest pains, try a glass spoon pipe. good luck
You have a lot of options....quit for a while see what happens.....smoke less........lose the tobacco, just smoke weed........try different strains......try vaping or edibles........just say screw it and go with the flow. You're only 26, you shouldn't be having these problems. Good luck
Thank u4 ur response! Im starting 2 think its just anxiety from what happened...prbly an intense I think when I get high is the exact moment I start having those weird feelings!
Start by cutting out blunts for sure, I gave those up when I was about 19. If you smoke at least 3 daily your probly addicted to the nicotine. Don't know if you smoke cigs but that could be harder than it sounds. I stepped down to papers, and now just smoke a bowl at a time. With reggie you might want to stick with a joints worth.
As far as the anxiety, My mother had to give up smoking because of It. And my pops can only smoke at night. Some people it just happens to. I know if I take a break from smoking and get really baked my first smoke back I can feel a bit uncomfortable, maybe you are smoking too much?
But you have to decide if its worth it. Why smoke if It just makes you uncomfortable? supposed to be a relaxing and enjoyable experience. Good luck and dont go moving on to painkillers or anything foolish....also maybe think of anything that might be causing the anxiety, like you said your in a "quarterlife crisis" maybe once you get things figured out you will be ok... or maybe you know subconsciously you should give it up to better yourself.
I believe thats what im going thru...bcuz for a few weeks b4 it happened...I thought about just stopping bcuz it was almost used 2 having "family sessions" then my fam moved away and solo smoking just started feeling redundant...then that attack like u said...theres no reason if I feel uncomfortable as of yesterday...I havent smoked at all...I ate a brownie...but im done lok
sounds like you need to take a break, experiment with some psychedelics or drink in the meantime if your like me and need to get fucked up somehow regularly. lay off the blunts, probually the tobacco giving u chest pains, try a glass spoon pipe. good luck
Thanks 4 ur response! I definitely thought about other I ate made some awesome brownies...but I think i still have a block about "getting high" so im done lol...hope I can start back after awhile!
Ahhh yes, my friend had this happen to him. Same scenario. almost to the T. He quit for awhile, but is back smokin dabs again and doesnt have the attacks anymore. Its the stress that causes this and sometimes the weed can intensify it. Maybe a career change might be in order for you to make this go away. My friend had college finals and was going threw a bad breakup at the time this started, after the stresss went away from all the bs going on in his life he was better, no more attacks. He claimed to have the same thing when starting back smoking again i.e tightness in chest a bit, but believed it was psychological and he overcame it. The Dr. gave him kilonopin for the attacks so he just keeps those on file incase he needs them. Prozac is horrible plz ween yourself off it.
Its good 2 kno im not the only thinkn I have this weird unknown condition and im allergic 2 weed LMAO but its amazing how stress can intensely affect a person and im definitely getting a taste of it...ive been taking prozac 4 2 weeks so far...doc said it would take bout 6 for it 2 take affect...what r ur thoughts and negatives about prozac ?
Its good 2 kno im not the only thinkn I have this weird unknown condition and im allergic 2 weed LMAO but its amazing how stress can intensely affect a person and im definitely getting a taste of it...ive been taking prozac 4 2 weeks so far...doc said it would take bout 6 for it 2 take affect...what r ur thoughts and negatives about prozac ?
Its a presciption drug.....need I say more;)
First thing that comes to mind is that Prozac is an antidepressant when an anxiolytic (like klonopin) sounds like it'd be more helpful. The major issue with anti-anxiety meds is that a tolerance can develop quickly and most of them have some possibility of developing into a dependency, while certain ones have a high probability like ativan/lorazepam.

I'd only consider these as a short term option which since you've never had issues before might be appropriate for you right now, but ultimately you'll be better off if you figure out what is causing the anxiety (you mentioned your job is very stressful, maybe it's not what you want anymore and thinking about career changes can also be very stressful and full of uncertainty) and understanding your triggers and the feelings and thoughts they bring up.

Good luck, sending chill your way. :peace:
personally I would never take prozac or any other psychological pharmaceuticals. all you really need to know is: not a single person diagnosed with a psychological disorder has ever been cured. In fact, the side effects of prozac are thoughts of suicide, limp dick syndrome, and addiction.

I went through a lot of the same shit... one day I bought a bag from my dealer and chiefed up like usual at his house... but I had let my tolerance get low and I got wayyyy too fucking high. When I was driving home, my chest got tight, it became hard to breathe, and I had my first panic attack. I had to stop smoking weed after that because even a tiny single hit would get me way too stoned due to no tolerance, and I would get a lot of anxiety. The anxiety kind of hung around after that for a while, and I was dealing with it even when sober. I was unemployed and played on my computer all day... eating bullshit fast food and waffle house. I think staring at a computer all day and eating like shit made it worse. My anxiety got to the point I was scared to leave the house even to go to the store or look for a job. I would make sure my cell phone was always near by in case my heart explodes or something.

I went to see a doctor and he gave me some shit similar to prozac (I forget but it's one of those popular drugs for anxiety). I asked him of the side effects and he just said not to worry... so when I got home I hit the internet and read up on reviews. The possible side effects included anxiety... are you fucking kidding me??? So I never took a single pill. The thing that helped me was reading up on anxiety, and something I read that stuck with me said no one has ever died from a panic attack. When you feel anxiety come on, let it come... know that it will pass and no one has ever died from it and neither will you... it can't hurt you, and everyone gets high anxiety from time to time. Anxiety is self-perpetuating, so when it sets in you get worried and it doesn't take long to spin into a full blown panic attack in the grocery line. But when you accept it and realize it can't hurt you and will pass in a few moments... just that takes a lot of wind out of the anxiety.

Another issue is I was often smoking with other people... in circles or whatever, and would get too high and be in a new situation with people I don't know gave me anxiety. I ended up just quitting smoking weed for like 2 years. Then one day a girl gave me like a nickle bag and I smoked it by myself at home in my comfort zone and took a super small toke. 10 minutes later I was feeling pretty chill and took another super small toke. Before I knew it, the bag was smoked up and now I am again a full blown stoner.

Hope that helps... do not fall for psychology, it is a bullshit study with a very dark past of torture, has never cured anyone, and is nothing but a complete money-grab and has been from the beginning. I promise you a nice comfortable buzz in a setting you feel safe will do way more for your depression and anxiety than prozac. Don't let anxiety get the best of you... everyone gets it and it can't hurt you.

i am an avid marijuana user...i love mary jane and her effects and over the past 3 years...i've grown accustomed to smoking at least 3 blunts DAILY. I use white owl cigars and not much has changed over the years with the way i smoke (blunts) and what i smoke (local reggie). Now my issue is...just 1 month ago...after returning from my lunch break... i experienced what my doctor told me to be a panic attack...classic symptoms...shortness of breath...chest tightening and that intense fear that i was having a heart fact because i had not had this experience before...i DID CONVINCE myself i was having a heart attack throughout this episode which led to me to feel dizzy...depersonalized and momentarily black out. job can be described as a stressful, competitive environment which i've been working with happily for 2 years and for at least the past year i regularly smoke before coming into work and smoke half a blunt on my lunch break, returning to work everyday happy, refreshed and ready to conquer the remainder of my day, but this day did not go as usual and my question and discussion would be could this possibly be a reaction from the marijuana and if anyone would know why ? My post reactions with weed are apprehensive...since that day...i havent smoked or partaken in a session where a entire blunt is consumed...i hit it once or twice...i feel a faint tightening in my chest and I AM DONE...i kno this could be from anxiety of another panic attack but it has been a month and each time i try the same things happens...and when i try to go past my limit...i feel as if it's happening all over again but THIS time...i am not in fear that i'm dying from a heart attack! i just feel a scary tightening, grasping feeling at whats feel like my heart but radiating from the center of my chest...i have never had any anxiety issues...but i think JUST telling someone they may have anxiety issues...causes anxiety, but i do feel like within the past year and turning 26 and still trying 2 figure out life has taken some effect on my and my mental health and i have begun prozac as prescribed by my doctor...but i miss my weed...i miss that floating care free feeling and i would figure THAT would help with my anxiety...i have not tried any other form of smoking but i did just bake brownies and for one i didnt get as high and when i did feel slightly high...i felt just a few moments of that telltale chest tightening...PLEASE help...everytime i hit the blunt, i say i'm done but i want 2 keep trying 2 see if the problem is there, but i think as of today...i am done and sick of these effects and if that means giving up on weed altogether, then so be it...the problem is JUST THAT scary and i hate that feeling almost more than i love being high at this with the info given are there any solutions or is it best to just stop smoking altogether ??
no tobbaco ... shit fucks u up
Its a presciption drug.....need I say more;)
no u dont .. i know a man who refused treatment for cancer and grew his own his doc gave him 6months to life and had the best part of 12years by pickin up d herb :) and other natural remedies... stay away well away from the shit the docs give u .. he made cannibis oils and everything ... he also wrote a book on it and everything ... Mr. Tonys Journey Trough Cancer ... it absolutely amazing ..

nin ..
sounds like you need to take a break, experiment with some psychedelics or drink in the meantime if your like me and need to get fucked up somehow regularly. lay off the blunts, probually the tobacco giving u chest pains, try a glass spoon pipe. good luck
no offense but someone who has anxiety issues shouldnt be dabbling in psychedelic drugs..please refrain from giving advice to those with medical conditions you clearly know nothing about
no offense but someone who has anxiety issues shouldnt be dabbling in psychedelic drugs..please refrain from giving advice to those with medical conditions you clearly know nothing about

medical conditions i don't know nothing about it? i got anxiety lol, weed makes my anxiety worse thats why i try not to smoke it when im stressed out or worried about something (idk about some medical strains but good stuff around here makes it worse), having a few drinks is a better solution to deal wit anxiety. a lot of ppl say mushrooms and lsd actually help with anxiety unless you take too much