kill all dangerous dogs

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My mom had a Yorkie with attitude, only dog I ever disliked, we had an agreement though....

We had an agreement too. The agreement was that thing better stay the fuck away from me (only dog I've ever disliked either). One day it took a shit under our bed. When I reached under to pull that bitch out she bit down on my pinky HARD. When I pulled my hand out the pinky was dripping blood. She went on craigslist for free that day. :)
kill all theses fighting dog breeds what is there point,except to fight, you ever tried unlock a terriors grip from a 6 year olds defensles body hmmmmmm didnt think so hey ,but i guess you got it tied up real good yeah, id killl you before i got revenge on dog

Read this three times, still don't understand half of it. If you read a book, even a short novella once in a while- shit even a magazine, you'll be able to form stronger, more coherent sentences.

Of course she loves me. But I told her some fat bitch on the internet wants to kill her and she said fuck her, seriously.

I never said I wanted to kill anything. I simply stated that you must be aware of what the animal you own is capable of. I have nothing against dogs or dog owners. I do have a problem with ignorance though, especially when it comes to potentially dangerous dogs. If you can accept and respect the fact that what you own is capable of causing harm to others than you are on the right track. It just really urks me when people deny what dogs are capable of. I would love to think that my dog would never hurt anyone. I know better though. I take the necessary precaution to not put my dog in a situation where it may cause harm to someone. Like someone stated earlier "dogs are like guns".
My ferocious staffird shire terrier. ( I got her from the pound w ears already docked) the best and the smartest dog I ever owned. She was amazing with my child since she was 6 months old if I was outside she would come get me when my kid woke up. she would lay by her bed while sleeping. My child use to ride her like a horse and pull her hair and put hats, ay peekaboo etc with her. She was an amazing dog unfortunately her life was ended early. She got out of the back yard and was hit by a car. She dig under porch pulled out the crawl space vents from under house and set herself free
2012-11-26 21.32.37.jpg 2013-04-22 22.26.03.jpg .


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Here is another pic. He would sleep next to my kids when they were babies. He would also come find you and wine if one of the kids were crying.

My kids and other kids played with this dog. They jumped on him, poked him, pulled his ears, rode him, slept on him like a pillow. He was a great family dog. He would sit, shake, lay down, stay and heel on command.

I took this dog to public parks, lakes, and dog parks.

Funny thing is most people would come up and pet him and love on him and ask what breed.
The ones that freaked were fine when they were petting him 10 seconds earlierbud.jpg

The kids put the sun glasses on him
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Here is another pic. He would sleep next to my kids when they were babies. He would also come find you and wine if one of the kids were crying.

My kids and other kids played with this dog. They jumped on him, poked him, pulled his ears, rode him, slept on him like a pillow. He was a great family dog. He would sit, shake, lay down, stay and heel on command.

I took this dog to public parks, lakes, and dog parks.

Funny thing is most people would come up and pet him and love on him and ask what breed.
The ones that freaked were fine when they were petting him 10 seconds earlierView attachment 3269267
So multi pits that love kids and get there owners when kids awake cry or complain such mean dogs we shoukd kill them all and stuff the dog meat down the OP's throat till he dies or any other person that judges the breed and not the deed
Here is another pic. He would sleep next to my kids when they were babies. He would also come find you and wine if one of the kids were crying.

My kids and other kids played with this dog. They jumped on him, poked him, pulled his ears, rode him, slept on him like a pillow. He was a great family dog. He would sit, shake, lay down, stay and heel on command.

I took this dog to public parks, lakes, and dog parks.

Funny thing is most people would come up and pet him and love on him and ask what breed.
The ones that freaked were fine when they were petting him 10 seconds earlierView attachment 3269267

Lol! I've had the same thing happen in the children's play area in the park. The parents ask me first and I reassure them he's fine. Their kids are all over him and then the question " que raza es?" "what breed is it?". I reply american pitbull and they look taken aback. Then we talked about training and socialisation.

My dog has changed so many people's minds about the breed.
My dad hated pits. He fell in love with that dog. He even kept him for a few months for me.
Most people that say they don't like these dogs have never spent time around one.

And the worst dog bite i ever got was from a chihuahua. It jumped in my lap, I do not know what i did to piss it off, and bit my face. Tore a hole right under my eye. Half inch higher and I might have lost an eye.
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