Romney promised to bring unemployment down to 6% after four years with his economic plan...

Hey buck, of the 238,000 jobs that were gained? How many of them were part time? how many were to people age 55-69? How many were in the manufacturing sector?

How come the US poverty rate is at 14.5% in 2006 it was at 12%.

How come the Median income of US families has fallen 8% in the last 6 years?

Obama me this graph.

It has nothing to do with baby boomers retiring, they aren't part of the workforce statistic.
Explain how we can have 300+ million people in the US, but only 120 million people working full time?
You call this a recovery? Good numbers?

Go back to Stormfront buck, you have been a member there for 11 years now, its your home.
How come the US poverty rate is at 14.5% in 2006 it was at 12%.

that's due to bush's recession.

How come the Median income of US families has fallen 8% in the last 6 years?

with more people looking for work due to bush's recession, that allows employers to offer lower wages.

You call this a recovery?

aren't we up to 54 straight months of job creation?

stock market at an all time high?

home values rising?
"facts and evidence will not convince me!" - sheskunk

The fact that I am surround by friends and family members who are struggling to keep their businesses afloat, who can't find work, and who struggle to pay the bills goes a lot further than your silly numbers. Try "real life" once in while. If you think you can handle it. Not everyone can deal dope.
Jobs are being created because employees hours are being cut. Employers don't want to pay into employee health care so they cut back their workers hours. The job that once took 1 person 40 hours a week to perform now requires 2 people 20 hours each per week to perform. It all looks good on paper, but in reality more people are working less hours. There is no increase in jobs, only an increase in part time workers.
The fact that I am surround by friends and family members who are struggling to keep their businesses afloat, who can't find work, and who struggle to pay the bills goes a lot further than your silly numbers.

yes, yes. we get it.

the personal anecdotes of a fat lazy racist shit and her fat lazy racist shit friends are more important than the facts and evidence that economists use to measure the health of the economy.

that's the spirit, fatass.
yes, yes. we get it.

the personal anecdotes of a fat lazy racist shit and her fat lazy racist shit friends are more important than the facts and evidence that economists use to measure the health of the economy.

that's the spirit, fatass.

Says the unemployed dope dealer. Yeah, your words hold a lot of value. Now go on to tell me how you read all about it. Pull up some links and some DATA and tell me how I'm wrong. I'll be sure to tell everyone I know how all their bills are going to get paid by Uncle Buck and his fantasy world reality.
54 consecutive months of job creation, an all time record, speaks to the contrary.



Jobs are being created because employees hours are being cut. Employers don't want to pay into employee health care so they cut back their workers hours. The job that once took 1 person 40 hours a week to perform now requires 2 people 20 hours each per week to perform. It all looks good on paper, but in reality more people are working less hours. There is no increase in jobs, only an increase in part time workers.
I'll be sure to tell everyone I know how all their bills are going to get paid by Uncle Buck and his fantasy world reality.

there you go again, trying to act as if the personal anecdotes of a few fat lazy racist shits reigns supreme over the economic indicators that measure the health of the economy overall.
celebrating? mean give me a FUCKING break..ever heard of this company? :lol:
  1. Lehman Brothers
    Investment company
  2. Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. was a global financial services firm. Before declaring bankruptcy in 2008, Lehman was the fourth-largest investment bank in the US, doing business in investment banking, ... Wikipedia
  3. Founder: Henry Lehman
  4. Founded: 1850
  5. Headquarters: New York City, NY, New York, NY
all the kings horses and all the kings men..couldn't put..well you get the picture:wink:
What does your reply have to do with his statement?
If all the numbers add up to success why is everything still in the shitter? You can tell me things are better, but when I step out into the real world I certainly don't see it.
Who you going to believe, me, or your lying eyes?
Most of you retards must have missed this part;

"My point is that even if Romney were president, all the conservatives would be celebrating a "miraculous Romney recovery" even if he had done nothing at all."
It took Obama recovery 5 years to regain lost jobs. Reagan recovery: 11 months.

3 years, 11 months, basically the same thing.


reagan's uphill battle was a much shallower slope than the steep slope that bush left obama to deal with.

keep on lying though, washere.
3 years, 11 months, basically the same thing.


reagan's uphill battle was a much shallower slope than the steep slope that bush left obama to deal with.

keep on lying though, washere.
Lol, that chart puts Carter ahead of Obama.

Fucking Carter,lol.