Another Reason for legal to grow and possess, illegal to sell


Well-Known Member
legal to grow and possess, illegal to sell
I'd support that.

While I would also like to see cannabis produced and used for purposes other than simply recreational use, I do have a fear of "big business" fucking up cannabis completely through monopolization, genetic "engineering", and by adding fucked up chemicals to an essentially harmless plant.

Regardless, my goal is to simply allow people to grow, possess and use cannabis without the threat of government persecution.


Well-Known Member
And you don't think weed won't have more regulations than tobacco and alcohol combined?
Add in big weed trying to protect their markets with licensing and laws designed to keep you from growing your own
I said to stop regulation with age restrictions. Anything more I don't support. Of course we all know this wont happen, cause so many people invite the government into their fucking living rooms these days.

And if big companies got in the game, so what? Walmart in town, but also a dozen or more ma and pa grocery stores that do well, along with ma and pa stereo shops, clothing stores, jewelry stores, etc. People who know how to run up against big stores do it everyday and make a good living doing so. If you can't hang, then dont compete and just work for one or the other.


Well-Known Member
Again, look to colorado. I know you won't because it doesn't make your point.

If that was law in CO, nobody would be able to grow in Denver.

Illegal to sell just continues the status quo.

No arguement you can make will change my mind on this particular subject.

You are ok with people going to jail for selling weed which is exactly what will happen if weed remains illegal to sell. I'm not.
Laws in Colorado are going to change,.

Watch them evolve to something more restrictive


Well-Known Member
I'd support that.

While I would also like to see cannabis produced and used for purposes other than simply recreational use, I do have a fear of "big business" fucking up cannabis completely through monopolization, genetic "engineering", and by adding fucked up chemicals to an essentially harmless plant.

Regardless, my goal is to simply allow people to grow, possess and use cannabis without the threat of government persecution.
It becomes legal on a federal scale you will damn sure be seeing some "super weed"
You will also have restrictive laws.
Who can afford to start a distillery?


Well-Known Member
I said to stop regulation with age restrictions. Anything more I don't support. Of course we all know this wont happen, cause so many people invite the government into their fucking living rooms these days.

And if big companies got in the game, so what? Walmart in town, but also a dozen or more ma and pa grocery stores that do well, along with ma and pa stereo shops, clothing stores, jewelry stores, etc. People who know how to run up against big stores do it everyday and make a good living doing so. If you can't hang, then dont compete and just work for one or the other.
Growing within a 1000 feet of a school. Illegal

Watch it.


Well-Known Member
Not necessarily illegal to grow within 1000 ft. The laws usually stipulate SELLING within 1000 ft.

Edit, forgot, chesus has me on ignore, so hopefully someone who isn't on ignore can educate him.


Well-Known Member
Canada is following the Arizona model, basically, except even more restrictive. So if you're looking for empirical data and associated faults, we should be generating plenty of it in short order. They really screwed up with dropping the LPs (Licensed Providers).
If they left a provision in the legislation allowing for overlap while the "industrialists" learn how to grow weed on a ridiculous scale, people wouldn't have been up in arms; and the stupid, amateur mistakes (mmm mould) being made currently--with supply inadequacy--would've been forgotten. It's one thing if Uncle Buck has some Botrytis, since his supply has minimal effect on the whole.
But when there's only a handful of operations nationwide, and one of them fucks up...


Well-Known Member
Ok so let me get this straight.

Under Cheeseyballs model: its perfectly legal for me to smoke with a friend (because that's legal), leave a bag of my legally possessed weed in his house when I'm leaving and then he can give me a $50 "gift" ?

Your system is completely unworkable, I could set up a coffee shop that charges $100 in and gives away a set amount of weed included for the "admission charge" because possession and use are legal.

People will still be selling it, but in theory would you like to see people like Buck forced to work in McDonalds?


Well-Known Member
Your system is completely unworkable, I could set up a coffee shop that charges $100 in and gives away a set amount of weed included for the "admission charge" because possession and use are legal.

People will still be selling it, but in theory would you like to see people like Buck forced to work in McDonalds?
that was exactly what clubs in oregon would do, and i thrived.

@heckler73 fuck you!


Well-Known Member
cigarettes and beer are also "restrictively legalised". strings are attached to legalization, dumbass.
The kind of strings where you cant sell it is unacceptable, that's not legalisation that's "let's encourage the black market with something the dealers can legally possess and produce".

Where there is demand there will be supply despite its legality, right treadmill salesman?


Well-Known Member
The kind of strings where you cant sell it is unacceptable, that's not legalisation that's "let's encourage the black market with something the dealers can legally possess and produce".

Where there is demand there will be supply despite its legality, right treadmill salesman?
there are 6-8 hours a day where "you can't sell it" for beer. there are 10-12 hours a day where "you can't sell it" for legal recreational cannabis.

that's not the reason why moonshiners or cannabis growers still exist though.

even peas and cabbage are "restrictively legalised" you fucking halfwit douche. just trying sell a shitload of peas without going through a "restrictive" process you fucking dolt.


Well-Known Member
Ok so let me get this straight.

Under Cheeseyballs model: its perfectly legal for me to smoke with a friend (because that's legal), leave a bag of my legally possessed weed in his house when I'm leaving and then he can give me a $50 "gift" ?

Your system is completely unworkable, I could set up a coffee shop that charges $100 in and gives away a set amount of weed included for the "admission charge" because possession and use are legal.

People will still be selling it, but in theory would you like to see people like Buck forced to work in McDonalds?
Now you went off the Hyperbole deep end
I want goverment out of the weed business. And if you make it legal to sell that aint gonna happen. It cannot possibly occur.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The way around this issue is to grow for someone who DOES live 25+ miles away from a dispensary.

They keep leaving loopholes in their laws.

Wish they would just get sensible.

I feel your pain.

If sensibility were part of the equation, there would be NO government involvement. People are quite capable of deciding the hows and whys of running their own lives, which plants to consume or grow etc.

When the conversation revolves around the the degree of coercive intervention rather than why is there intervention in the first place the plantation is still secure. Fuck the plantation.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
there are 6-8 hours a day where "you can't sell it" for beer. there are 10-12 hours a day where "you can't sell it" for legal recreational cannabis.

that's not the reason why moonshiners or cannabis growers still exist though.

even peas and cabbage are "restrictively legalised" you fucking halfwit douche. just trying sell a shitload of peas without going through a "restrictive" process you fucking dolt.

Normalizing restrictions and then pointing to them as some kind of justification for more restriction is a circular argument.

Visualize whirled peas.


Well-Known Member
there are 6-8 hours a day where "you can't sell it" for beer. there are 10-12 hours a day where "you can't sell it" for legal recreational cannabis.

that's not the reason why moonshiners or cannabis growers still exist though.

even peas and cabbage are "restrictively legalised" you fucking halfwit douche. just trying sell a shitload of peas without going through a "restrictive" process you fucking dolt.

You seem upset.