Powdery Mildew spots showing on fan leaves


Well-Known Member
Subcool probly smokes like a chimney, i just smoke my own shit....and its good ;) (i do want his jilly bean so bad)


Well-Known Member
PM is like cancer, once you have it, there's no getting rid of it.
I used to say it was like herpes for plants....Try Eagle20 on all plants at the same time best if they are small plants (less to spray) mix 25 drops to 1- 32 oz spray bottle water

Then address your grow area....if your a small grower in a tent wipe down your entire tent and all equipment with a bleach water solution

If you grow in a large area like I do...use a antifungal bomb FUNGLAFLOR

Remember PM is a airborne spore ...just 1 spore from outside brought in and you have pm
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