If you could punch one Roll It Up person in the face, who would it be?

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Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Any new additions? A few months have passed since this thread was used.

Me, maybe?

@a senile fungus ?@polo the don ?
I bumped this for ya'll!
Whoa dude you read my mind! Yeah today I'd like to beat the dog shit out of Padawanbater. CN's lost a parent and he made a gratuitous snark about CN's social interface. I'd love to meet him and I'd give him first shot and I'm a 13x lb 5'4" GIRL! However I'll need someone to hold me upright. These edibles make vertical space a bit more challenging. GWN can you hold me upright long enough for Pad to hit me then just push me over on him. I'll love him to death :D shit forgot GWN's a mod, where's Mad Hamish or Inda or slowbus hey where's muh peeps i need backing here??? LOL

Otherwise I'm going to start showing up more and trolling to take Singlemalt's advice. Don't worry I'll exhale and forget......


Well-Known Member
Did Chuck scare you? Is that why he isn't on your list?
Chuck isn't on my list cause I never did show up to that Walmart fight so if I said that I don't think it'd be appropriate due to previous actions so yeah I guess you can say I'm scared of chuck I respect him if he actually went to Walmart cause I really don't know whether or not he did I wasn't there

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Chuck isn't on my list cause I never did show up to that Walmart fight so if I said that I don't think it'd be appropriate due to previous actions so yeah I guess you can say I'm scared of chuck I respect him if he actually went to Walmart cause I really don't know whether or not he did I wasn't there
At least you're honest, I never went there either.@iloveskywalkerog
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