Anti-Semitism in the EU


Well-Known Member
Did the Unionist paramilitaries not give any coded warnings when they planted bombs?
i can't remember , i would guess so
i remember the ones that went off in England
the media would make a big deal about the "coded warning"
this coded warning was also like a signature attached to the bomb so they could own up to it / claim credit for it too

i now recall an Irish dude throwing hand grenades around at a funeral
i don't think he warned them first


Well-Known Member
nice veiled internet threat, anti-semite tough guy.

why not strap up and go fight the IDF yourself, pussy?
Veiled internet threat?

I said nuke them all, not just the Jews, cos we (ie. the rest of the world) are sick of their bullshit.


Well-Known Member
i can't remember , i would guess so
i remember the ones that went off in England
the media would make a big deal about the "coded warning"
this coded warning was also like a signature attached to the bomb so they could own up to it / claim credit for it too

i now recall an Irish dude throwing hand grenades around at a funeral
i don't think he warned them first
For the record, only fucking retarded Irish people support any IRA activity post 1923.

They were an illegitimate criminal organisation.


Well-Known Member
i can't remember , i would guess so
i remember the ones that went of in England
the media would make a big deal about the "coded warning"
this coded warning was also like a signature attached to the bomb so they could own up to it / claim credit for it too

i now recall an Irish dude throwing hand grenades around at a funeral
i don't think he warned them first
I just realised where you meant after I posted.


Well-Known Member
For the record, only fucking retarded Irish people support any IRA activity post 1923.

They were an illegitimate criminal organisation.
Without the IRA, Catholics in the North would still be niggers to the Prots. Tell me that negotiations would have worked with the Orange Order, and the likes of Ian Paisley. I don't think so.


Well-Known Member
Veiled internet threat?

Pro-tip; there's a shitload more of us than there is of you and most of the rest of us are sick of the atrocities committed on both sides yet sympathise with the Palestenian civilian side the most because they bear the brunt of the IDF's fuckery.
if there's so many more of "you" than there are of "us", why don't you strap up and go take on the IDF yourself, that way you can get your anti-semitic little dream to come true?

i take it that by "sympathizing with the palestinian side", you mean wiping israel off the face of the earth, since that is the goal of the government they elected to represent themselves.


Active Member
catholics were treated like second rate citizens in NI, the establishment and thatchers reign wanted them annihilated

palestinians are also treated like second rate citizens, the land grabbing israelis and Netanyahu want them annihilated too

whatever way you wish to defend your sides, the basics appear to me that the ones with power want total control and won't come to the table to discuss..

the thing i don't particularly agree with is that israel as a country should not attack another country because it harbours a so-called terrorist element period…..

Imagine if the UK started bombing the shit out of ireland… not fucking cool and there is just no justification for this….

I do sympathise with israelis being bombed, however israel can never ever be said to be just defending itself when it routinely illegally grabs land from palestine… and then wonders why the palestinians are fucking angry…

Idiotic and senseless…

I wonder what would occur if the land grabbing was ceased and people who live on both sides begin to feel security of a basic level.. hatred would slowly recede.. then even if the power in place would find a hard time rousing the population to back such attacks…


Active Member
ok backward ass claim,
forgive my lack of understanding of the initial situation in the region,
I may be ill informed but please advise me if the israeli government have taken land from palestine


Well-Known Member

if there's so many more of "you" than there are of "us", why don't you strap up and go take on the IDF yourself, that way you can get your anti-semitic little dream to come true?

i take it that by "sympathizing with the palestinian side", you mean wiping israel off the face of the earth, since that is the goal of the government they elected to represent themselves.
I meant theres more people in the world than just Americans, you fucking tard-vark.


Well-Known Member
what's bigoted about pointing out the fact that palestinians are the only refugee group in all of history to pass on their refugee status from generation to generation?
You like talking in semantics, knowing full well the Israeli Government is blockading Gaza and restricting the movement of people and supplies. It’s as disingenuous as your attempt to justify Israeli atrocities by saying “at least they warn them first” – yeah with a mortar on their roof before the full barrage of high explosive rounds.

you have an odd definition of innocent people. how many hundreds or thousands of palestinian bombs fired at israel are we up to this year alone?

Keep up the propaganda mate, you suck at it nearly as much as the rabbis

funny how you try to condemn all of israel for the words of one man, when the fact is that palestine elected an entire government to represent themselves whose stated goal is to erase israel from the face of the fucking earth. you dumb shit.
Israels IDF was started and manned by terrorists. These same terrorist went on to become Ministers of Defence and Prime Ministers of Israel. Some of them even got a nobel prize for their actions. But you have a problem with the Palestinians doing the same as Israel did when it was established? Please you two faced bitch.

Oh here are some Israeli OP EDs calling for the destruction of Gaza and its people.,7340,L-4554583,00.html (this one is from Ayelet Shaked, Member of Knesset)

The above articles lead perfectly into this article about white supremacy in Israel – which is on the rise and promoted by Israeli political and religious leaders.

and there's the bitter anti-semitism dripping from your posts, just as i would expect from a holocaust denier like yourself, echelon.
Sorry but no antisemitism or holocaust denial from your fake quotes. Just a stated fact that Jewish Rabbis love to rape little boys.

Rabbi Rosenberg believes around half of young males in Brooklyn’s Hasidic community—the largest in the United States and one of the largest in the world—have been victims of sexual assault perpetrated by their elders. Ben Hirsch, director of Survivors for Justice, a Brooklyn organization that advocates for Orthodox sex abuse victims, thinks the real number is higher. “From anecdotal evidence, we’re looking at over 50 percent. It has almost become a rite of passage.”
Yeah it’s not just the Catholic Church that promotes that vile shit, Judaism and Islam are just as perverted.


Well-Known Member
Why do you even bother posting this shit?

Haven't you some "marine biology" to undertake? (Read: hump your walrus wife)
now i know why you are only 4'11'', it's because you are 11 years old and thus a target of opportunity for nontheist the pedophile.



Well-Known Member
You like talking in semantics, knowing full well the Israeli Government is blockading Gaza and restricting the movement of people and supplies. It’s as disingenuous as your attempt to justify Israeli atrocities by saying “at least they warn them first” – yeah with a mortar on their roof before the full barrage of high explosive rounds.

Keep up the propaganda mate, you suck at it nearly as much as the rabbis

Israels IDF was started and manned by terrorists. These same terrorist went on to become Ministers of Defence and Prime Ministers of Israel. Some of them even got a nobel prize for their actions. But you have a problem with the Palestinians doing the same as Israel did when it was established? Please you two faced bitch.

Oh here are some Israeli OP EDs calling for the destruction of Gaza and its people.,7340,L-4554583,00.html (this one is from Ayelet Shaked, Member of Knesset)

The above articles lead perfectly into this article about white supremacy in Israel – which is on the rise and promoted by Israeli political and religious leaders.

Sorry but no antisemitism or holocaust denial from your fake quotes. Just a stated fact that Jewish Rabbis love to rape little boys.

Yeah it’s not just the Catholic Church that promotes that vile shit, Judaism and Islam are just as perverted.
you still citing that propaganda from mondoweiss, echelon?

good luck with that, just as i wish you good luck on denying your membership in the white supremacy and holocaust denial group and your quotes proving you to be a holocaust denier, echelon.