Anti-Semitism in the EU


Well-Known Member
You can't refute facts so you try attacking the source. Nice try goiboi.

You didn't mention anything about all the Rabbis schticking little boys - didn't you say you were just in New York for a jewish "wedding"?

You add to the mix the fact you love rape and you've got yourself one hellova jewish wedding.
you can't refute the facts so you post propaganda from mondoweiss.

palestine wants to wipe israel off the map, israel does not want to do the same in reverse.

palestine lobs bombs without warning indiscriminately at civilians to terrorize israel, israel warns palestine where and when they will bomb to avoid civilian casualties.

palestine passes on refugee status from generation to generation, something NEVER SEEN BEFORE EVER.

you are a holocaust denying anti-semite who joined a white supremacy and holocaust denial group 3 times, echelon.

just give up, you are not credible in this debate.


Well-Known Member
I understand why your walrus doesn't want kids.... with you.,7340,L-4006385,00.html

Rabbi Dov Lior, a senior authority on Jewish law in the Religious Zionism movement, asserted recently that a Jewish woman should never get pregnant using sperm donated by a non-Jewish man – even if it is the last option available.

According to Lior, a baby born through such an insemination will have the "negative genetic traits that characterize non-Jews." Instead, he advised sterile couples to adopt.


Well-Known Member
echelon is not even trying to deny that he was a member of a white supremacy and holocaust denial group now.

just some lame ass ant-semitic trolling to satisfy his jew-hate boner.


Well-Known Member
Uncle Buck was just in new york were sexual abuse perpetrated by jewish religious figures is a rite of passage for young jewish boys.

Seems like it was an in and out weekend.

Uncle Buck also makes frequent references to rape.

He is also affectionately know around here as Uncle Zim Zam for obvious reasons.

He is also a long time stormfront member in good standing.

Make of that what you will.


Well-Known Member
it's the palestinians stated goal to annihilate the jews, not vice versa smartie.
I know that I would want to "annihilate" the persons responsible for taking the land that I had farmed for generations. Sounds perfectly normal to me. What would you have them do, suck the Israeli's dick?


Well-Known Member
now i know why you are only 4'11'', it's because you are 11 years old and thus a target of opportunity for nontheist the pedophile.

You mad, cupcake?

Speaking of cupcakes, in future you should eat all the cupcakes. For your walrus' sake.


Well-Known Member
I know that I would want to "annihilate" the persons responsible for taking the land that I had farmed for generations. Sounds perfectly normal to me. What would you have them do, suck the Israeli's dick?
yeah, maybe the jews should just get annihilated then, despite their superior firepower and historic claims to the land.

we should cater to the palestinians' unique victim status forever.

the only group ever to inherit refugee status.


Well-Known Member
Historic claims to the land?

Oh that's right sky daddy and the torah, old testament, which by the way is not a constitution no matter how you look at it.



Well-Known Member
Historic claims to the land?

Oh that's right sky daddy and the torah, old testament, which by the way is not a constitution no matter how you look at it.

i was thinking it had more to do with them living there as long as anyone else has, actually.

but maybe you're right, maybe the jews just holocausted themselves then "conflated" the numbers to garner sympathy for themselves. because that makes a lot of sense too.


Well-Known Member
As long as anyone else? Citation require zim zam

You're just as rabid as kkkeynes when it comes to your cock worship of Israel, the only difference is you tone down the rhetoric as not to completely out yourself as a stormfronter.



Well-Known Member
For the record, only fucking retarded Irish people support any IRA activity post 1923.

They were an illegitimate criminal organisation.
yeh for sure, ^^
the point was just about the "coded warning" i always wondered what the warning might be lol

i remember when they blew up that center in manchester, no loss of life but over £1 billion worth of damage
perhaps one of their most successful bombs
at the time it made a refreshing change to see a bomb go off outside london

i think the safest place in england at that time as far as the IRA go must of been liverpool lol


Well-Known Member
yeh for sure, ^^
the point was just about the "coded warning" i always wondered what the warning might be lol

i remember when they blew up that center in manchester, no loss of life but over £1 billion worth of damage
perhaps one of their most successful bombs
at the time it made a refreshing change to see a bomb go off outside london

i think the safest place in england at that time as far as the IRA go must of been liverpool lol
The IRA also taught the Taliban how to build those IEDs in Afghanistan...

Haters gonna hate.
If you live in Minnesota please write-in Jack Shepard for U.S. Senator in the empty empty space at the bottom of the list of U.S. Senator candidates and fill in the circle.

I would be the only pro legalization of Marijuana Senator in the Nation.

On Anti-Semitism please visit my campaign web site.

On Gaza please visit my peace efforts in Gaza and the NGO called "the tender for mothers and children" I am honorary President as an America Jew it makes me happy to help


Well-Known Member
I understand why your walrus doesn't want kids.... with you.,7340,L-4006385,00.html
Rabbi Dov Lior, a senior authority on Jewish law in the Religious Zionism movement, asserted recently that a Jewish woman should never get pregnant using sperm donated by a non-Jewish man – even if it is the last option available.

According to Lior, a baby born through such an insemination will have the "negative genetic traits that characterize non-Jews." Instead, he advised sterile couples to adopt.
This only proves that some Jews are racists. We know buck is a Jew, and we know Buck is an 11 year Stormfront veteran who posts frequently about N$%^ers. What more proof do we need?


Well-Known Member
If you live in Minnesota please write-in Jack Shepard for U.S. Senator in the empty empty space at the bottom of the list of U.S. Senator candidates and fill in the circle.

I would be the only pro legalization of Marijuana Senator in the Nation.

On Anti-Semitism please visit my campaign web site.

On Gaza please visit my peace efforts in Gaza and the NGO called "the tender for mothers and children" I am honorary President as an America Jew it makes me happy to help
I thought small amounts were decriminalized in minnesota?

Is this more about selling?