Gone but not forgoddamn they're back!

HOLY batshit! I am looking for the smoke you blind weed! Sounds like K-Lite has it eh? How far is Rota from you? Seriously what was the strain? CN concentrates all my flowers for me.

Well here's an image of my C99 he triple distilled. It's amazingly smooth but potent to me. Best of all it's decarbed so you can simply eat it if you choose. It's one reason I'm looking forward to the RIU BBQ I don't really know many people who smoke and I would love to get other people's take on what I'm growing (and CN's extracting). We are working toward quantitative analysis and some other things but I'd still just love to hear where my pot fits in amongst what others grow, just curious that's me you know. That would help me on where to go genetics wise too.
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whoa....... misspelled my own screen name I am way fucked up. I think this calls for a beer and some lime and I may hang about this evening. Wonder how early I'll drop out.......

That looks like amber glass which is nice but must be smoked in a glass pipe. We smoked bho which is a different texture, just one dab and you're high.
That looks like amber glass which is nice but must be smoked in a glass pipe. We smoked bho which is a different texture, just one dab and you're high.

What is amber glass (remember they don't let me out much). It's oil, he hexane extracted it and then distilled and did some other stuff.... hang on let me get out the whip.....
Hi yall
The process for that batch was three stages.
I extracted the flowers with hexane in Pyrex until they were exhausted.
Then I performed a short-path distillation at reduced pressure, which removes most color and wax and all the "heavies".
A dewax step in a second solvent followed by filtration and another extraction got me to the point where I could redistil. The product is, as Annie said, fully decarbed and purged of any solvent. I guesstimate it to be better than 80% thc.
Well I can see how well I'm liked around here....

Miss you guys to.

I have wondered how your mom was doing. I heard you caught a case too? Please tell me I was hallucinating. I've wondered what you were growing many times. So now if you REALLY miss us come to the RIU BBQ and since Inda is to busy for us old folks swing by and pick up Sunni on your way!
Haha Annie my mom is doing awesome! She is cancer free! The RSO worked!

It's such a far drive but maybe me and the wife could take a lil mini vaca!

Oh and yea I got popped like 4 months ago, but it's all good now :)

I don't want to like that but you know what I liked! I am sooooooooo glad your mom is cancer free that is miraculous! OH COME to the BBQ That would be epic!
When is it?

Oh and I'm very happy as well!! It was the best news ever!
It's the 12 to the 14th in Sacramento. Look in the Outdoor Section Double JJ has a thread there. It's only like 40 pages ha! Oh and about Cancer.. I have a 1 cm basal cell on my left nostril. I was supposed to have surgery, wide excision and grafting, next week, but I'm putting on some of CN's concentrates and guess what's shrinking! Simply amazing, I postponed the appointment until January at which time I'm hoping I can cancel.
That looks like amber glass which is nice but must be smoked in a glass pipe. We smoked bho which is a different texture, just one dab and you're high.

One thing I've noticed and really like about the distillates is how consistently potent they are. I've prepped a variety of strains ranging from epic to mediocre, and while the quantity of recovered goodies is variable their potency is pretty uniform. The qualities of the source flower is retained to a recognizable degree. It is nice to know that a very small dab of distillate will be a guaranteed solid hit.
Looking at that clean clean screen after taking a distillate hit is very reassuring to me.
I've never gone that far with my concentrates but of course I need better equipment but I start with with flower and then I process it to hash and then blast it and let it evaporate and then purge in my vac chamber. I make anywhere from absolute shatter to budder to wax. I also dewax to so it's a clean hit.

One thing I've noticed and really like about the distillates is how consistently potent they are. I've prepped a variety of strains ranging from epic to mediocre, and while the quantity of recovered goodies is variable their potency is pretty uniform. The qualities of the source flower is retained to a recognizable degree. It is nice to know that a very small dab of distillate will be a guaranteed solid hit.
Looking at that clean clean screen after taking a distillate hit is very reassuring to me.

Is that stuff a liquid?
OMG YES @Carne Seca and @Granny weed interesting those two would come to my mind together, odd, have to take a look at my hash table, I think my error checking is registering corruption. To have Carne spin another tale before Halloween, yum.

Wait dude did they say YOU have a mustache!! Why have I not seen this mustache? Where can I acquire pictures of this aforementioned cookie duster and I am STILL waiting for those boot pictures of yours, you know of which I speak!! Of course if you REALLY, sincerely happy about my birthday....... LOL

Said cookie duster..


OMG!! You are so handsome Jake Gyllenhaal is brakeman in your bobsled. YOU drive, no surprise there. But, I still need boot pictures..... LOL or one good picture of your dad (crossing fingers and hoping he's in my weight class).

Oh and feed your brakeman better. Trust me on that one. Last time I went bobsledding I insisted on driving (as usual) and they decided to swap up so the 6+', 200 pounders sat up front, depending on me, at 5' and a solid 98 lb, to be main brake (I was 13 so be kind, I did grow up/get larger whatever). When I saw the tree and realized the inevitable 'cause dude can't steer (they thought my job was easy).

So I'm thinking what utter idiots they are and being smug about being right and all. So then I started to brake, problem was I thought their job was easy. I planted my feet deeply and suddenly I was surfing snow, briefly, until the momentum of my ass caught up with me, and and my mouth, and I was sailing, it was like I was a snowflake. I watched as they accelerated away, into the pine tree. I was laughing so hard I don't remember precisely what I hit but I picked pieces of it outta me for months.

Fuck you bobsled! But yeah ours looked somewhat similar, except it was actually a bobsled, but it even doubled for a kids eating table during 4th of July. Now I must decant some triple distilled oil and get my ass, that would effectively both break and brake that bobsled like a boss today out the door.