If you could punch one Roll It Up person in the face, who would it be?

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Well-Known Member
Id punch myself for being a dumbass and drinking too much on weekdays then leaving work early the next day and then doing it again
This sounds like a good time......when can we start? Its pretty early here but im down if you are. Lets go to the drunk thread and get fall down drunk before noon. Cummon ;)


Well-Known Member
I thought of somebody! @curiousuk

Total. Wanker.

Long gone now. Had some weird thing pretending to be himself and his sister 'kitty'. Yeah. Right. Sad little emo turd.

Actually, no need for a face punch, a bitch slap should do fine.


Well-Known Member
that guy with the boat and marlins and garden monkeys and shit, except if he's reading this I don't mean it I want the gift card. Or the guy that crossed some vegetable with a mj plant whos name also escapes me.


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View attachment 3269790

When I want your opinion Mainliner, I'll have Chuck beat it out of you.
Okay I've been trying to ignore you and chuck but I can't hold it anymore @chuck estevez proved that he won't do nothing when he said he did not go to the whole Walmart fight thing I didn't either but he didn't so therefore you nor chuck scare me at all in any kind of way BTW what was the point of you screen shooting my profile ?

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Okay I've been trying to ignore you and chuck but I can't hold it anymore @chuck estevez proved that he won't do nothing when he said he did not go to the whole Walmart fight thing I didn't either but he didn't so therefore you nor chuck scare me at all in any kind of way BTW what was the point of you screen shooting my profile ?
The guy, WHo doesn't even live in that town, Or near it, isn't afraid. YEP, ONLY because you are on the computer, face to face, you would shit your little boys underwear.


Well-Known Member
The guy, WHo doesn't even live in that town, Or near it, isn't afraid. YEP, ONLY because you are on the computer, face to face, you would shit your little boys underwear.
I have to say if I met you in real life I don't care if you beat me to the point of both my eyes being swollen, broken jaw, missing teeth, broken nose, cracked ribs, I'd still be mumblin shit at ya the only people who have my upmost respect is my mother and father I'm not scared of you and never will nor am I afraid of @Pinworm and his screen shooting of others people profile because his dissapointed of his own and Envy's mine

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
I have to say if I met you in real life I don't care if you beat me to the point of both my eyes being swollen, broken jaw, missing teeth, broken nose, cracked ribs, I'd still be mumblin shit at ya the only people who have my upmost respect is my mother and father I'm not scared of you and never will nor am I afraid of @Pinworm and his screen shooting of others people profile because his dissapointed of his own and Envy's mine
sure your scared, Didn't you know, every time I get you to post, i'm locking in on your IPO.
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