Another Reason for legal to grow and possess, illegal to sell


Well-Known Member
It's not about right and wrong.
It's about how it is.

Legal to grow and possess, illegal to sell would eliminate all these issues.

And it would be easier to get passed.
Who could be against growing for yourself
It needs to be about right and wrong, in order to incentivize the government to cease and desist with the imposition of injustice.

Without Them acknowledging right and wrong (as it currently stands), they won't allow US to change THEIR rules.

There is nothing obligating the government to allow us to vote to change their laws, regardless of right and wrong.

They do what they do, simply because we cannot stop them. They like to make it seem like they're "helping," because it's easier to control someone who thinks you are their friend.

Who could be against me growing for myself, indeed. And on that note, who could be against me growing anything for someone who would prefer the convenience of having someone else grow a thing for them? Maybe people are too busy, too lazy, too whatever, and would prefer to simply trade what they already possess, for what someone else is already producing?

Who could be against me doing whatever i want with my own body, whether therapeutic remedies or mind-expansion, whether to enhance my quality of life, or reduce the impact of the various discomforts inherent in merely existing, during my own finite existence... as long as i do not harm or endanger another, or damage or claim property that is not mine?

Who could be against me exercising my liberties, as long as i refrain from impinging that of another?

And yet, they do, and here we are.

I think without "right and wrong," the pro-cannabis position has no leg to stand on. They have to acknowledge their "mistake" (misdeeds, actually) before any worthwhile discussion can even occur. But they simply deny the facts, deny reality, insist on imposing injustice, while calling it "justified," while it is impossible to sufficiently justify.

They have removed our choice, and there is no one to protect us from them. All we can do is either comply, or do whatever we want until they ruin us. It's bleak and grim and utterly disgusting, and i have no idea how we can make sufficient corrections without massive casualties. They have already caused obscene amounts of casualties, and i don't think they plan on stopping.
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Well-Known Member
are you trying to tell me that it isn't legal to walk into a store and buy cannabis in colorado?
You can't answer a question with a question. If Pot is legal because the law says it is, then why isn't it protected by colorados "lawful activities" clause?

Now, did Colorado make pot legal, or did they nullify the laws that made pot illegal in the first place?


Well-Known Member
You can't answer a question with a question. If Pot is legal because the law says it is, then why isn't it protected by colorados "lawful activities" clause?

Now, did Colorado make pot legal, or did they nullify the laws that made pot illegal in the first place?
there are literally hundreds of pages of law making pot legal.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
enjoy the unchecked, untraceable listeria in your cantaloupes when your utopia comes true.

every single commodity is "restrictively legalized", and that goes double for commodities that will intoxicate you and have negative externalities.

deal with it you fucking crybabies.

I guess growing my own or trading with somebody I know and trust are concepts you never considered.

This morning I will have a protein shake with homegrown will have a hangover and a bowl of sugary frosted gerbil flakes.

Enjoy forging the chains that bind you....slave.


Well-Known Member
And whose choice is that? Is it your choice that you lose your kids, or is that a condition unjustly imposed upon you and them?

If we don't make the right corrections immediately, your kids will live their own lives amidst the same injustice... not to mention everyone else's kids as well.

Here's a thought: once your kids are old enough, "the government" becomes their "parents" anyway.
I already said it was my choice.....

Are you lost? I want it legal to grow and sell.


Well-Known Member
I guess growing my own or trading with somebody I know and trust are concepts you never considered.
good ol' robroy utopia time, where public education doesn't exist, everything is done on the barter system, and blacks can still be denied a seat at the restaurant because they are black.

and everyone lives to the ripe old age of 38 because modern medicine is incompatible with his retarded dreamscape.


Well-Known Member
good ol' robroy utopia time, where public education doesn't exist, everything is done on the barter system, and blacks can still be denied a seat at the restaurant because they are black.

and everyone lives to the ripe old age of 38 because modern medicine is incompatible with his retarded dreamscape.
I don't see how free trade of cannabis would be incompatible with a better world.

I don't see how free trade of cannabis would compromise public education or cause people to be racist or cause progression of modern medicine to become impossible.

No one's saying big pharma can't continue to exist, or big prison can't continue to exist, or propaganda can't continue to exist, or that racism will flourish due to allowing people to do whatever they want with their own bodies, as long as they aren't unjustly depriving anyone else of their rights.

It is no one's right to make my preference illegal, for the purpose of eliminating competition for their own business. It is no one's right to force me to purchase anything, nor is it anyone's right to punish me for more highly valuing a competing and subjectively superior product.

And: why does anyone believe it is a bad idea to strive toward the best possible realization of an imperfect utopia? Obviously it can't be perfect, but look around; we could surely do better, if not for those using violence and coercion to manipulate all situations into their own favor, at the cost of others.

If a bunch of people prefer to live a life enhanced by cannabis, that isn't "taking" anything away from anyone.

If i don't want to buy someone's crap, i don't have to!

IMO, let people be racist; society will quell them in due time. I don't agree with racism, and neither do plenty of others... but i can't force anyone to agree with my worldview or value system... but what we CAN do, is simply refuse to deal with people who hold unacceptable positions on any matter. If you don't like racists, good! Don't deal with them. If a racist is allowed to refuse association based on race, everyone else is also allowed to refuse association with racists, based on that person's racist views. That's a problem that can actually work itself out.

The problem that doesn't seem likely to work itself out, is how our hijacked government has apparently decided we are ALL their property, not just any particular race, and that they can and should inflict harm upon, and deprive anyone non-compliant, of their human rights (which everyone in the entire world actually has, regardless of any group's lack of recognition or acknowledgment).

Who is it, again, who is supposed to be protecting us from "all threats, foreign and domestic?"

They are not doing their job. Instead, they serve the domestic hijackers, working to destroy what they swore to protect, from within.