Your parents WILL find out....


Well-Known Member
okay, so if you are one of these kids on here that's looking for "a way to grow without my parents knowing"...ITS NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!!!

there are many things that will give you up....let me count the ways.

FIRST OFF, before you even CONSIDER growing at dear ole mom n dads, consider this: DO I HAVE ENOUGH MONEY??? most people dont realize the eventual (and inevitable) cost of growing...and if youre saying to yourself: "do I?", then you dont. that said,

1-NOISE...if you have proper ventilation in your grow, it will be heard by your parents.(no one can ignore the humming of fans coming out of somewhere that SHOULDNT have fans in it.)

2-LIGHT....lightleaks are the bane of all growers, especially snot-nosed punks that that wanna grow pot in the closet at mommies house. oh and cfl's arent worth a shit. been there done that, wish i still had the money.

3-POWER....there is a power bill you know. and im willing to bet that you are not the one thats gonna be paying it every billing cycle..your electricity bill WILL GO UP!!!!

4-SMELL.... thats right. you may not even get this far with your dainty 13 watt, dollar tree cfl's, but if by some miracle you do...BUDS SMELL. and your "speakerbox grow" aint quite gonna have enough space for a carbon filter.....GET IT?

5-THE MESS- unless you are an impecably clean person that pays attention to every detail ,like your parents are, you will undoubtedly miss one spec of dirt, or one "out of place" drop of water, or glimmer of light, that will give your grow away....

6-PARENTS!!!!... these are your parents kid's....they will snoop, sneak, hide, and otherwise be stealthy to an extent that you cant possibly know...guess what? YOU GO TO SCHOOL!!!! what i mean is...there are MANY times that you are not home when your parents will be. thats when they take the time to snoop and discover things. one day you'll come home to: "well 'jimmy', i was (insert excuse here)'ing in your room today and i (saw some dirt, saw a light, herd a noise,etc) out of your (growspace of choice) so i opened it..." now youre fucked.....

oh...not to mention the newly vested hours in your room...all im trying to say is this: dont do it. you WILL get caught, and (hopefully) punished for the stupidity....

remember the sun? its there for a reason....


Well-Known Member
I live with my parents, aint a kid, rooms got a lock on, it always stinks of bud anyway, there are always fans going, I pay for my share of the bills, all parents arent as immaculate as youd think. pipe me haha just joking no seriously.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I live with my mom and step dad and we all smoke cannabis along with my sister. Lulz, my step dad was the one who let me start growing!


Well-Known Member
if your parents dont care its different. im talkin 'bout these "stealth" "hide it from my parents" kids.


Well-Known Member
true.true. "logic is the product of wisdom, and the wise tend to have age on their side."-me (i like pretending that what i say matters)
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The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
My mum knows about mine...she helps me look after them sometimes, I'm only experimenting with 2 plants though at this point!

Oh yeah - I'm not a kid and I hardly smoke it...mostly coz I dunno really where to get it from, also growing is a bit of fun!


Well-Known Member
Sound like your coming from exprience M916 . Maybe these children need to listen from the master . And what kid in this day and age that you know that DONT stay in his room ? Mosrt of them in it as we speak looking at this rant post .


Well-Known Member
Sound like your coming from exprience M916 . Maybe these children need to listen from the master . And what kid in this day and age that you know that DONT stay in his room ? Mosrt of them in it as we speak looking at this rant post .[/quot

What He


Well-Known Member
I see, lol, that's a bit silly. But kids aren't going to think like that, they just want free weed.
And thats what gets the kids busted or the parents busted. Because they dont think. They generally are not mature enough to think far enough ahead to cover their tracks, consider the repercussions, or anything else. Like you said, they only want free weed and that is as far as their tunnel vision allows them to see. Not to mention that the kids think that their parents are stupid, granted...some are...but us parents that have a grasp on reality know better. Parents that are on top of things always see the first thing that does not jive with "normal". Therefore, their child was just busted.


Well-Known Member
My parents wont know about my grow but i think ive got everything covered the electricity isnt a big deal i can just turn off what id normally be using so there will only be a minimal change in the bills


Active Member
Im sure yall will agree with me

there are kids who are dumb and immature and there are kids who are intellegent.

if anything kids should be allowed to join so they can get advice that they wouldnt other wise think of... we were all young and dumb once and i bet you would have liked some advice on stuff when you were that age... so why not give it too the kids.

kids who are smart should not be gave a hard time, nither should dumb kids, but dumb kids who are to dumb to take advice from people trying to help them there the ones who need a hard time.

not all kids are dumb enough to grow in there parents house.


Well-Known Member
My parents wont know about my grow but i think ive got everything covered the electricity isnt a big deal i can just turn off what id normally be using so there will only be a minimal change in the bills
Great last words. I am on my own and I never think that I wont get busted. When you start thinking that, thats when you get caught because you get cocky and let your guard down. But, sounds like you have got it all worked out? What do I know, I am over 21.


Well-Known Member
woopydefuckingdoo your over 21 im 20 and in this country have been an adult for 2 years. i never said i didnt think id ever get busted im fully aware that there is a chance of this and im willing to take the risk as for being cocky, well yeah a bit so you can go spin on it :D
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Well-Known Member
Im sure yall will agree with me

there are kids who are dumb and immature and there are kids who are intellegent.

if anything kids should be allowed to join so they can get advice that they wouldnt other wise think of... we were all young and dumb once and i bet you would have liked some advice on stuff when you were that age... so why not give it too the kids.

kids who are smart should not be gave a hard time, nither should dumb kids, but dumb kids who are to dumb to take advice from people trying to help them there the ones who need a hard time.

not all kids are dumb enough to grow in there parents house.
Thats not the point. The point is, 99% of the kids that come here do not give a shit and have no respect for their parents property. The reason why we do not help kids is because a lot of us have kids of our own and do not condone kids using weed, or any other drug for that matter. We will not knowingly jeopardize some parents lively hood and investment for the sake of a kid doing something illegal to begin with. If the kid really understood the consequences of what they were doing they would respect the property of others and would not be here looking for ideas on how to hide it from your parents. I would hate to see parents get in trouble for something they are totally unaware of. And no, kids should not be allowed here. Weed is something that needs responsible use, and unfortunatly kids for the most part are not completely responsible. Weed is for the responsible use of adults, just like alcohol. If it were left up to me, in order join this forum you would have to be 21 and not 18.

I have run across some kids on here that seemed very responsible and capable. A lot of it is how these kids carry themselves when they come here looking. But most of the time it is very obvious to us who is and who is not a kid. A little smart ass punk kid can be spotted a mile away.

Also, its great that kids seek advice from older people. But why dont they take it and learn from it? As long as that advice is what they want to hear they will listen but they wont if its not in their plan. Our advice is this, growing is illegal, dont do it in your parents house without their knowledge, the kids wont listen. Thats why we dont help kids.
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Active Member
Kids aren't stupid.

But the more you treat them that way, the more they'll seem that way, probably because that's the only way anybody treats them.

What I'm trying to say is- don't just put people in groups, whether it be "goddamn teenagers" or "blacks" or "crackers"

We're all human beings, right?

But I digress.


Active Member
However, there are some really dumb motherfuckers out there, and they really probably deserve to be caught doing something minor (and stupid) instead of something major (and really stupid).


Well-Known Member
Kids aren't stupid.

But the more you treat them that way, the more they'll seem that way, probably because that's the only way anybody treats them.

What I'm trying to say is- don't just put people in groups, whether it be "goddamn teenagers" or "blacks" or "crackers"

We're all human beings, right?

But I digress.
I dont think anyone implied that kids are stupid. They are irresponsible and naive. Nothing wrong with that, hopefully they will grow out of it as they get older and more experienced in life.