dried or undried cuttings?


Well-Known Member
can you uns undried cuttings to make concentrates or make butter with? or do I need to wait until they are fully dried? if they need to be dried can i cut them up and put it in an oven at like 150?
Ok. I was also reading on freezing them before. anyone have an opinion if this works or not?
I always freeze it before I make anything with them. It is easier to get the crystal off. Not sure the science of it, just the way I've always done it.

For making bho and buddar almost all recipes I've read call for you to freeze it.
Doesn't the butane freeze the weed during the process? how many times should I use the same trimmings?


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Only fresh frozen method I know of personally is QWISO (plenty of data on that one, listen to qwisoking, he knows his shit)

Not sure how the BHO would work out, seems to me youd have a lot of water to evap off b4 you can properly purge it...

The frozen method of fast drying involves dry ice (freeze, then layer w/ dry ice, as it melts, it turns to gas not water, taking moisture with it) ((never tried))

Using VERY dry buds, frozen, with frozen extractor.... that makes some great oil.
o, and dont reuse the weed, pack ur extractor, and pump butane into it until it starts coming out CLEAR for a few seconds... dont blast a whole can extra in, when its out, its out... but dont stop until the color goes from gold to clear. Depending on ur extractor, and ur trim, that could be a can, or 6 cans....

Once its been run thru nicely, the 'spent' stuff is useless, all the good stuff was extracted from it, turn it into compost er sumthin...