Most painful shit ever


Well-Known Member
SUE!! haha j/k but damn that sucks! I have had a little grease pop on me from bacon and that hurt so I can imagine your finger going in a commercial sized fryer


Well-Known Member
Naga, you ever heard fingers for chicken wings?

Why aren't you filthy rich right now? I don't believe anybody would care if McD's franchise closed because they got sued.


Well-Known Member
I was cooking n a restaurant and I was cutting up.something and I set knife down amd it fell off cutting board so I went to catch it like an idiot it and sliced my finger wide open.. second story I was workinf went home on lunch was cooking soke chicken nuggets well I turned the grease on walked outside sparked a blunt hit it 2 time went back inside amd the grease was on fire so cut the grease off had a brain fart and was lost on what to do ni biggie I picked up pot s
Opened back door stepped on rug and slipped grease way 3rd degree burned my left hamd 2nd degree burn right thigh amd burned my face but not terrible talking about sucking dn did that suck.. 3rd incident I am an auto tech working om a 91 volvo 240 wagon checked alternator for not charging another tech comes.over cranks the car while I am doing my job amd takes off part of my right index finger to 1st knuckle. I got pics if u wanna see there pretty knarly

Edit.... damn u sunshine


Well-Known Member
So wait a second?! You burn yourself at mcdonalds and you have to buy the weed yourself?!
Man i think youve got yourself a slipped on peepee at the costco type stiuation. Id have grabbed a full pound and not just a quarter.


Well-Known Member
My most painful shit was when I ate a bunch of cheese curds and didn't shit for two days while I was camping. On the third day, I went home and when I dropped a duff, I felt like my asshole was being torn apart.


Well-Known Member
a) Deep fried foods are still awesome.

b) Did they turn off that fryolator, empty it, and clean it? I bet they didn't.

c) Start a lawsuit, they'll probably settle. What did you trip over?


Well-Known Member
I mean if it were anyone else I'd say take your licks (like dude who fucked up his knee at Home Depot) but it's fucking Micky D's. Stick it to them. They have had the nation (scratch that) the PLANET over a barrel for too long.

Edit: Also, this is different because you were an employee. I'm too stoned to have remembered that. However... still... fuck them... do us all a favor and at least TRY to fuck them...