Can undercover cops pose as workers and owner at an indoor gardening store?


Well-Known Member
Recently my friend told me he wanted to grow. So I told him I would help him out. All we needed to do was get supplies, but thing is he doesn't have a credit or debit card, only cash. So he asked me if I could order stuff for him with my card and he would give me cash. So I did with the seeds, but then I found a local grow shop near me when I was surfing the web. This place had everything he needed, so instead of paying for shipping and handling cost we hopped in his car and went to check the place out.
When we got there we parked next to this guy who just came out of a building next door and he started digging in his car looking for something and staring at us at the same time. Then one of the employees walks out of the store and then walks back in as we walk in he doesn't say anything to us just goes straight to his little office and started talking on the phone.
So we look around and this place is weed grower paradise, it has everything.
We were the only customers there so then one the three employees in there asks us if we need any help so my friend tells him he is just starting to grow, doesn't have the equipment, and needs to grow 16 plants. The guy says okay and then starts digging in the warehouse in the back and starts talking to this girl back there, pulls out reflector and ballast then walks around the store and gets nutrients and other stuff. As him and my friend are talking and looking for stuff I look around the store and find this cool grow room, but there is this really tall looking plant growing into the reflector of the light that is all shriveled up and dieing in there. I was like wtf that's weird I thought the plants should've been healthier. Then I over hear the guy talking to my friend and everything sounds reheresed. We get finished as he starts ringing everything up I look at him weird and say what about the ph stuff he then goes into the shelves walking up and down through the isles looking for it and finally finds it after some time. I thought that was weird. We walk out carrying all this grow supplies, but then I noticed the parking lot was empty and there were three other cars there before and the guy that was digging in his car earlier was leaning on the side of the building looking at us and drinking a beverage just starring at us. So we quickly put everything in my friends car and I'm hiding my face by looking at the ground the whole time from the suspicious guy as we do this, just in case because I'm paranoid. Then my friend says "that looks like a undercover cop and he probably got my plates" and I was like "shit didn't he just have his car parked next to you?"

That was a couple of days ago. Then I get a call today from my friend saying "Cop cars are driving around my neighberhood everyday now they never did that before and I see and hear small planes flying over and around my house everday too that never happened before" I was like :shock:

Are me and my friend really paranoid or could this be true?


Well-Known Member
the best way to get supplies is to go out of town with cash into a different county that way your not even from there BTW you should be very discrete when talking to your hydro guy and dont ever use a credit card DUH!! money orders !!!!


Well-Known Member
i heard same kind of shit happen to people. going to hydro shops workers watching ur every move, writing down stuff as you come in and leave.


Well-Known Member
my guess is paranoid. don't know where you live but cops arn't going to set up a shop just to get a few growers. you can check public records to see who ownes the shop. or go back to the shop and see if they have the same set up going. don't go in just watch if that same guy is out side doing the same thing then you might have a problem. good luck


Well-Known Member
That was a couple of days ago. Then I get a call today from my friend saying "Cop cars are driving around my neighberhood everyday now they never did that before and I see and hear small planes flying over and around my house everday too that never happened before" I was like :shock:

Are me and my friend really paranoid or could this be true?

do you really think they are gonna send airplanes out after him c'mon. he's just getting paranoid


Well-Known Member
yea i stopped doing coke months ago and my friend paid the guy in cash and we're both really paranoid people.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I just skimmed the post.... it was just too long and crammed together to give a detailed read. The answer is cops can work undercover pretty much anywhere they suspect criminal activity.

Buying legal products like lights and plant food is not enough to get a warrant... but if they follow you home and start snooping around they could get enough evidence to get a warrant.

Best bet is to buy things on-line.

If you really think cops are circling then I would advise you do not grow.... keep all the stuff you bought in a closet and do nothing. Either that or .... go ahead and grow a few tomato plants hydroponically. I really mean tomato too... not mj! See how it goes.

If they see the grow lights with infrared technology or otherwise and get a warrant... the only thing they will find is vegetable plants... and you will have your PROOF that they took down plate numbers.

If that happens you might also be able to file a complaint for harassment.


Well-Known Member
same shit happened to me. but my shit wasnt out in the open...
they kept coming back and circle my house even when my plants were gone.
and really really close to my house.


Well-Known Member
Everything sounded plausible until the airplants flew over. Id tell him to lay low a few weeks... dont start the grow until youre sure youre in the clear.


Well-Known Member
ahhaahhaa couldn't stop laughing "SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE"
he put a lot of time into that few minutes. got himself a nice suit. did ALL his research. even asked for a few extra seconds. poor guy. :cry:
"sir, we have boy scouts in the audience." lolol