The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I know how ya feel man its shit, I just went all week with no weed till today,
and today is exactly 1 week of flower so still at least another 8 or 9 week till I chop, do u not have a harvest coming up soon?
bout 5weeks away lol I won a free 7grams from the other place so that should be landing next week.


Well-Known Member
It's a shame though the raffles are usually for a free ounce but this time the raffle was for a half n 2 qs but sure free smoke


Well-Known Member
I am currently growing two plants a time in a converted wardrobe I have, growing with 200w CFL light. I am getting really nice grade smoke from whatever I put in there, but space is limited and the most I can really yield is 4 ~ 5 ounce a time (as of yet). I have no rotation either, so perhaps I should convert a smaller wardrobe into a veg box. I rent, so hiding stuff from landlord is a priority at this point.

I have a little grow journel from my current grow here:
good yield for the light


Well-Known Member
ha ha mrs left me all the ingredients to make a fish curry while she looks after all the family kids whilst some relies move .....ahahahahhaha been to chip shop and got 4 cod 2 large chips lool