How many watts of CFL do you really need?

OK Thanks, so its lumens per foot not watts per foot, ill look at my bulbs and figure it out thanks again for the help.
That was a good explaination but its what works for you. IMO, im 130w-156w or more per sq ft. Peradventure, (5-6) 26w bulbs at about 1600 lumens apiece. So you could say 130w per sq ft or 9,600 lumens per sq ft. Something like that.
That's good to know. I have been planning a micro grow box and was wondering if 3 26w would cut it. I am planning 1 ft square, but 6 feet high to dissipate heat.

What size pots do you normally use?
Im a witness to that i started 3 bulbs i had 2 26w and 1 32w 2700k pics in my journal.
Whoever said 10oz from 100w CFL is on meth.... No way in hell would you get that yield.
If you want to make it actually worth it, get at least 300W cfl, if you can't handle that then you might as well just buy weed as the yield would not be worth the effort.
Yeah bro but you are doing it
Yea im really lovin it deapite the little that i have to work with but my next grow...awe man my next grow...will be a nice project with an awsome hm cfl fixture. Im sending for some Armageddon (sativa) and (Jock Horror).
Whoever said 10oz from 100w CFL is on meth.... No way in hell would you get that yield.
If you want to make it actually worth it, get at least 300W cfl, if you can't handle that then you might as well just buy weed as the yield would not be worth the effort.
Yeah the best I ever got was around 53 grams under 110 watts of CFL....I was hoping that was a
Whoever said 10oz from 100w CFL is on meth.... No way in hell would you get that yield.
If you want to make it actually worth it, get at least 300W cfl, if you can't handle that then you might as well just buy weed as the yield would not be worth the effort.
I agree. But are saying 300w bulbs or 300w in general?
Yeah the best I ever got was around 53 grams under 110 watts of CFL....I was hoping that was a

My first was under 125W CFL, got around 2 ounce. It was okay for getting used to the whole growing thing, but in terms of the effort put in I should have just bought weed haha.
I meant 125w CFL, it is just one large bulb and reflector.
Was a fun little project and nice smoke, just the yield didnt really make up for the equipment costs haha. Amping up to 300W this time.
Yes, people say cfls are cool. I say "really? walk over to that lamp and untwist the bulb with your bare hands then" :)
Yea, then try putting 8 of them into a small box and see what happens. :o

They use to copy off of you in school didnt they? Good expression though.

Yep, then I dropped out and got my GED. Those suckers had to stay in class for another two years. J/k though. In HS I went to an ag school. Half the field study was animals and half was plants. Surprisingly enough, I was actually really into animals and wanted to be a vet for years so I took animal science. All my friends took plant science lol. If teach could only see me now. 8)

Whoever said 10oz from 100w CFL is on meth.... No way in hell would you get that yield.
If you want to make it actually worth it, get at least 300W cfl, if you can't handle that then you might as well just buy weed as the yield would not be worth the effort.

Who gets 10 OZ off 100W of anything?
Yea, then try putting 8 of them into a small box and see what happens. :o

Yep, then I dropped out and got my GED. Those suckers had to stay in class for another two years. J/k though. In HS I went to an ag school. Half the field study was animals and half was plants. Surprisingly enough, I was actually really into animals and wanted to be a vet for years so I took animal science. All my friends took plant science lol. If teach could only see me now. 8)

Who gets 10 OZ off 100W of anything?
The guy never said he gets 10 zips from the cfls.
He says he vegged under the cfls then switched to a 600hps to flower and gets 10zips.

If anyone could get 10ounces off of 100watt of cfls they would be all sold out by now lol