We are doctors and there is absolutely nothing to worry about...


Well-Known Member
You suddenly want a Nanny State.

I have and have always wanted the Federal Government to enforce the borders and immigration. And at this point they should be quarantining certain countries and preventing people from coming here.

Again... People think that if you get to America you can be cured and lying about having Ebola is not the top of anyone's concern when facing death.


Well-Known Member
I have and have always wanted the Federal Government to enforce the borders and immigration. And at this point they should be quarantining certain countries and preventing people from coming here.

Again... People think that if you get to America you can be cured and lying about having Ebola is not the top of anyone's concern when facing death.
So what country did Duncan come from?


Well-Known Member
So what country did Duncan come from?
"CDC Director Calls for New Approach on Ebola
The director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that the U.S. should rethink the way it approaches infection control around Ebola, with the agency considering extra training for health workers.

CDC Director Tom Frieden said there may be additional U.S. cases, especially among those who treated the first U.S. case in Dallas. A nurse who treated the patient was confirmed to have the disease over the weekend."


Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Nurses in Dallas are considering going on strike unless they are given protection including Hazmat suits and hands on training. Why would they need that? *tongue in cheek*

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Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
watching people try to blame ebole on obama is like watching racists line up to self-identify themselves as racists.
Ebola in the USA is Obola's fault.

He hasn't restricted travel to and from affected nations.

There should be intense screening-there is no intense screening.

There are over 200,000 people with visas from affected countries none have been cancelled.

You have probably conveniently forgotten O promised ebola wouldn't make it to the USA.

He has put our troops into direct contact with ebola. Do you really think that they are all wearing hazmat suits? Of course they are going to bring it home with them.

Obama wanted cuts to the CDC. A big part of those cuts came from sequestration. An idea proposed by the O, passed by both the House and the Senate, and signed by the president.

He hasn't secured the borders and some from affected areas have crossed the border.

Where has the Surgeon General been during this?

And through it all he has played his 200th round of golf. Which reminds me about a man named Nero.

He is guilty of simple incompetence.

You are guilty of having the typical knee-jerk liberal attitude of defending O
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