when should i flower my plant? (limited space) with pics


ok so iv got a little ak48, its about 4 weeks from seed and boy its so short and bushy its unreal. Its not growing upwards at all, I can count around 16 sites which i presume will be colas. My question is if i flower it will these sites all stretch to reach the top canopy or do i wait until they reach the top before i flower



Staff member
what kinda lights are you using? soil? watering? nutes? people often veg for 4-6 weeks


Well-Known Member
She is bushy! I'd give her 2-3 more weeks, then flip. She might not stretch that much after the flip. Hybrid 65% Indica. They have a shorter flower period than most, right? How much room do you have? (We have the same lights. Will be watching.).
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polo the don

Well-Known Member
Nice looking plant bro. Good green color. Flower her when she is about half the height you want her to finish at.


Well-Known Member
ok so iv got a little ak48, its about 4 weeks from seed and boy its so short and bushy its unreal. Its not growing upwards at all, I can count around 16 sites which i presume will be colas. My question is if i flower it will these sites all stretch to reach the top canopy or do i wait until they reach the top before i flower
Well for starters how big is your grow room? second that is a very small plant, third you can flower it now if you want but are you satisfied with the amount of bud sites?
A plant will grow(stretch)at least a foot once flipped.
Nice healthy looking plant you have. Give it some time.