Distance from lights?


Active Member
I have a small grow cupboard only about 3 foot high, :joint:, Wanna get a 150w HID sodium lamp in there. On the FAQ it says 100 to 200 watts should be heard about 2 foot away from the plant? Is this true? Can I reduce this distance?

Thanks for your help :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
in that small of a space your gonna need to ditch HID... go with CFL'S and LOWRIDERS, thats the only thing i see possible...


Active Member
Im using a 125w CFL at the moment for my vegging, But ive read they are poor for flowering? Is that really the only option? :(


Well-Known Member
if u keep them too close u will burn ur plants.

go with CFLs for small spaces.

and secretan, they arnt poor. they arnt as good as HID but go to the CFL forum, theres some nice buds being produced with CFLs there. im also flowering with CFLs, check my grow if u like


Well-Known Member
Go to a grow shop and pick up a cheap $25 light meter. Keeps the plants at 6500 foot-candle regardless of the light source.


Active Member
if it makes your skin uncomfortably warm it will burn your plants.
i was growing 1 plant in a box 2'x3'x4' under a 70 watt hps security light.
light is perfect for one plant i have the light about 1 foot from the plant with no problems. but its only 70 watts. I wouldn't do that with a 250 or 400watter


Active Member
Thanks for all the advise guys, Ive got myself a 200w CFL for flowering :P cant wait for my stuff to flower :D :joint:


Well-Known Member
how close should the yellow clf's be from the plant
Nature seems to understand this better than humans do. The plant will actually grow around a CFL. It will get close and burn itself a little and then back-fill to catch lumans.

I have made small verticle lamps. I move four pots together and set a lamp in the middle. The plants surround the lamp to capture the side light. I also use top light.