We are doctors and there is absolutely nothing to worry about...


Well-Known Member
Ebola in the USA is Obola's fault.

No, it's not.. The Ebola outbreak of '14 is a result of 3rd world sanitation

He hasn't restricted travel to and from affected nations.

There should be intense screening-there is no intense screening.

There are over 200,000 people with visas from affected countries none have been cancelled.

Restricting travel doesn't solve the problem, it exacerbates it..

You have probably conveniently forgotten O promised ebola wouldn't make it to the USA.

He has put our troops into direct contact with ebola. Do you really think that they are all wearing hazmat suits? Of course they are going to bring it home with them.

No he didn't. Furthermore, sitting presidents can't "guarantee" anything, not unless they can tell the future.. So holding any of them up to some golden standard is unequivocal

Obama wanted cuts to the CDC. A big part of those cuts came from sequestration. An idea proposed by the O, passed by both the House and the Senate, and signed by the president.

No he didn't. Furthermore, if the house & senate passed it, why would you blame Obama?

He hasn't secured the borders and some from affected areas have crossed the border.

Where has the Surgeon General been during this?

Republicans blocked funding to secure the border; http://ndn.org/blog/2010/07/senate-republicans-block-president-obamas-request-border-security-funds

And through it all he has played his 200th round of golf. Which reminds me about a man named Nero.

Another GOP talking point illustrating your loyalty and stupidity..

Bush had taken more vacation time during his presidency than Obama has..

Where were you when Bush was hiding in his treehouse waiting for Katrina to blow over? Not a peep..

No weapons of mass destruction found? Not. a. Peep...

Dummies like you are vocal when you're told to be vocal.. The media has you, jah, doer, sheskank, etc. on a fuckin leash..

He is guilty of simple incompetence.

You are guilty of simple ignorance.



Well-Known Member
Ebola in the USA is Obola's fault.

He hasn't restricted travel to and from affected nations.

There should be intense screening-there is no intense screening.

There are over 200,000 people with visas from affected countries none have been cancelled.

You have probably conveniently forgotten O promised ebola wouldn't make it to the USA.

He has put our troops into direct contact with ebola. Do you really think that they are all wearing hazmat suits? Of course they are going to bring it home with them.

Obama wanted cuts to the CDC. A big part of those cuts came from sequestration. An idea proposed by the O, passed by both the House and the Senate, and signed by the president.

He hasn't secured the borders and some from affected areas have crossed the border.

Where has the Surgeon General been during this?

And through it all he has played his 200th round of golf. Which reminds me about a man named Nero.

He is guilty of simple incompetence.

You are guilty of having the typical knee-jerk liberal attitude of defending O
At the moment, we don't have a surgeon general. And for that, blame belongs to the fourth branch of government, the National Rifle Assn.


Well-Known Member
No, it's not.. The Ebola outbreak of '14 is a result of 3rd world sanitation

Restricting travel doesn't solve the problem, it exacerbates it..

No he didn't. Furthermore, sitting presidents can't "guarantee" anything, not unless they can tell the future.. So holding any of them up to some golden standard is unequivocal

No he didn't. Furthermore, if the house & senate passed it, why would you blame Obama?

Republicans blocked funding to secure the border; http://ndn.org/blog/2010/07/senate-republicans-block-president-obamas-request-border-security-funds

Another GOP talking point illustrating your loyalty and stupidity..

Bush had taken more vacation time during his presidency than Obama has..

Where were you when Bush was hiding in his treehouse waiting for Katrina to blow over? Not a peep..

No weapons of mass destruction found? Not. a. Peep...

Dummies like you are vocal when you're told to be vocal.. The media has you, jah, doer, sheskank, etc. on a fuckin leash..

You are guilty of simple ignorance.
I'm NOT a republican. Retard.


Well-Known Member
Ebola in the USA is Obola's fault.

He hasn't restricted travel to and from affected nations.

There should be intense screening-there is no intense screening.

There are over 200,000 people with visas from affected countries none have been cancelled.

You have probably conveniently forgotten O promised ebola wouldn't make it to the USA.

He has put our troops into direct contact with ebola. Do you really think that they are all wearing hazmat suits? Of course they are going to bring it home with them.

Obama wanted cuts to the CDC. A big part of those cuts came from sequestration. An idea proposed by the O, passed by both the House and the Senate, and signed by the president.

He hasn't secured the borders and some from affected areas have crossed the border.

Where has the Surgeon General been during this?

And through it all he has played his 200th round of golf. Which reminds me about a man named Nero.

He is guilty of simple incompetence.

You are guilty of having the typical knee-jerk liberal attitude of defending O
We dont have a surgeon general which prevents us from having to deal with all those annoying commercials. Oh wait...

We need common sense, not another burecrat that is worried about what the labor groups think about the issue.

Obama is not smart enough or strong enough to make the tough calls during a political season. And for him, all seasons are political seasons. There are going to be more deaths and more contaminations and the head of the CDC, you know.. the people who assured us that there was nothing to worry about? Well, they are now stating that they may have to re-think that... How many more Americans are going to catch Ebola and die because people dont want to upset the political apple cart?

Maybe the Democrats are banking on the fact that Ebola has a 3 week gestition and just counting down the clock eh?? And the libs call the Republicans cold blooded... ROFLMAO!


Well-Known Member
Please tell me how lab created .8-1.2 micron droplets which infected the host is NOT airborne?

anyone? anyone?..bueller?..anyone?

from the boys over at MIT:

t is common knowledge that when we cough or sneeze, we should cover our mouth and nose with a tissue to prevent germs from becoming airborne. Now, new research from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology suggests this instruction is more important than ever; they found that droplets from coughs or sneezes can travel up to 200 times farther than previously thought.
According to the research team, including John Bush, professor of applied mathematics at MIT, the droplets that are produced when we cough or sneeze are accompanied by "gas clouds" that enable the droplets to travel greater distances.

The study has recently been published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics.

To reach their findings, the researchers used a combination of high-speed imaging of coughs and sneezes, laboratory simulations and mathematical modeling. This allowed them to analyze the fluid mechanisms behind coughs and sneezes.

The team found that, contrary to previous beliefs, each droplet from a cough or sneeze is connected through interaction with a gas cloud.

Past research has suggested that larger drops of mucus travel farther than smaller drops because they have more strength behind them. However, the investigators of this most recent study found that when droplets merge with the gas cloud, their trajectory is altered.

"If you ignored the presence of the gas cloud, your first guess would be that larger drops go farther than the smaller ones, and travel at most a couple of meters," says Bush.

"But by elucidating the dynamics of the gas cloud, we have shown that there's a circulation within the cloud - the smaller drops can be swept around and resuspended by the eddies within a cloud, and so settle more slowly.

Basically, small drops can be carried a great distance by this gas cloud while the larger drops fall out. So you have a reversal in the dependence of range on size."

The MIT video below shows the gas cloud carrying droplets as a person sneezes:
