300 g off 3 plants?


Well-Known Member
why is it so important to know how much you will yield. Tell them just to wait for the money you owe?
i was gonna give you a shovel from your first post but it looks like youv got one........you know to dig a bigger hole lol..............i dont owe money ....and i dont to many quastions lol


Well-Known Member
Then you should get the 300 g's....good luck and happy growing...btw as much as it galls me to say this (I'm an avid CFL grower) I would have opted for one 600 watt HPS...anyway happy growing :-)
hps to hot ......thanks anyway


Well-Known Member
so mr lduck says maybe 300?

ill be happy with 196g ( for all the sleepy slow ones on this thread thats 7oz ) ...and i wanted a 9 bar (again thats qt of a key)..............im happy