Well-Known Member
and your pussy got wet?Page two of this thread is some of the manliest writing ever seen on RIU. I think my chest hair doubled.
and your pussy got wet?Page two of this thread is some of the manliest writing ever seen on RIU. I think my chest hair doubled.
you said you are all for global sale of US crude
you said there is not enough refining capacity for the oil we have now
you said opposition to the XL pipeline is just warren buffet being against it because he owns part of a train company
you said oil companys will stop pumping oil if the price doesnt support it, even though it costs about 33 bucks a barrel to pump
(you attacked the source of the info which comes from the EIA)
So lets see your positions according to what you said.
You are for the XL pipeline, so we can ship oil overseas and the american consumer sees no gain
you are ok with the XL pipeline running over a dominant supply of freshwater
You put your job in the oil industry above the interests of the USA
The oil line will go to ports where the oil can be shipped overseas. Denying the US consumer from energy savings, draining a strategic resource for monetary gain.
The energy we produce would be better served going to the American people helping us achieve energy independance from importing and helping us transition to alternative sources of energy.
As to your opposition to frost laws. Maybe the local goverments got sick of you tearing up their roads?
The oil line will go to ports where the oil can be shipped overseas. Denying the US consumer from energy savings, draining a strategic resource for monetary gain.
The energy we produce would be better served going to the American people helping us achieve energy independance from importing and helping us transition to alternative sources of energy.
As to your opposition to frost laws. Maybe the local goverments got sick of you tearing up their roads?
How about we import 0%?We currently produce more oil and gas than we import. The only reason we're aiming to export is because other currencies are gaining on ours
Let's see how you twist that statement into "you don't believe we should let the American people consume American oil!"
Not according to US export laws on Crude.LOL "their" as in the government's roads? I never claimed opposition to the frost laws you fucking tool
If EVERY rig in this country moved to Saudi Arabia and began drilling overseas, GUESS WHAT?
you're the king of twisting words and outright lying
A. oil IS a global commodity. I'm stating a fact. this has nothing to do with my opinion or the way I think it should be
Not according to US law
B. there ISN'T enough refining capacity at the moment. It just came out in a July article of the monthly Bakken publication that I pick up and read EVERY month
But but you said they were going to increase refining capacity
C. Warren's opposition has a LOT to do with the opposition. His money speaks louder than your hippie voices screetching SAVE THE PLANET Then stop using our product you fucking hypocrite
Save the planet? how about energy independance?
D. The source you sited claiming $33/barrel is purely the average cost of constructing the well to recover the oil and fails to include the cost of land and royalties let alone transportation, refining, site maintenance, the list goes on. They'll CEASE production if they don't have the correct margins. This too hard for you to understand?
let the oil producers shut down. There is enough drillers competition will drive down the price. Unless of course they can ship it overseas. Which for the most part they cant do right now. Something you support.
A. Not ONCE have I said whether I'm for or against the pipeline. My stance is neutral like my Swiss heritage
So what do you have against the pipeline name one thing. Just one thing.
B. Again with your assumptions on my stance simply because I'm in the industry and telling you HOW IT IS, NOT HOW I FEEL ABOUT IT
How it is? How are you hoping it will be?
C. Oh do I? Well I DON'T hope the cost of oil falls because obviously that affects my job security. So that must make me anti-American
Self centered at a minimum
Just admit that somebody who's worked in the oil industry for 4 years knows more about oil than you
ever seen the movie "black robe"?At least nobody mentioned god in this "debate". That's a good start! My republi-klan neighbor started quoting scriptures when I said Colombo day should be called murders walk free day. He said Christoper was a great man spreading the word of the church. haha Anyway, enjoy the day!