We are doctors and there is absolutely nothing to worry about...

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Guys don't worry. All we need to cure ebola is a surgeon general.

The United States has a patent on Ebola according to an article in the natural news.

All you need is to swear allegiance to the flag and you will be magically protected.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
No, it's not.. The Ebola outbreak of '14 is a result of 3rd world sanitation

Ebola in the USA is Obama's fault.

Restricting travel doesn't solve the problem, it exacerbates it..

No it doesn't stop drink the KoolAid.

No he didn't. Furthermore, if the house & senate passed it, why would you blame Obama?

Because he signed it.

Republicans blocked funding to secure the border; http://ndn.org/blog/2010/07/senate-republicans-block-president-obamas-request-border-security-funds

Have to reach all the way back to 2010, lol.

Bush had taken more vacation time during his presidency than Obama has..

Bush had working vacations and came back when he was need by the country and the world-not Obama. 200 rounds of golf is a lot of golf.

Where were you when Bush was hiding in his treehouse waiting for Katrina to blow over? Not a peep..

Seems to me that Sandy is still being cleaned up in the north. Not a peep.

No weapons of mass destruction found? Not. a. Peep...

Seems that ISIL had their hands on poison gas and has used it on the Kurds just recently. Not a peep.

Dummies like you are vocal when you're told to be vocal.. The media has you, jah, doer, sheskank, etc. on a fuckin leash..

You are a shill and it shows everytime you open your mouth.

You are guilty of simple ignorance.

You choose to remain stupid.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
At the moment, we don't have a surgeon general. And for that, blame belongs to the fourth branch of government, the National Rifle Assn.
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View attachment 3273435
LA Times-really?

Newsweek you mean the one that went out of business. Andrew Sullivan is a hack and writes for The Dish. Not top flight.

Well, I'll be. Newsweek is alive. Probably on life support again.
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Well-Known Member
Ha! Like that's what was being said....
When someone needs to ask: "Where has the Surgeon General been during this?", that person is lame!
I figured you were saying that the reason we have ebola in the USA is because of gun owners, pretty sure that is what you said.


Well-Known Member
I figured you were saying that the reason we have ebola in the USA is because of gun owners, pretty sure that is what you said.
Beware of those gun-toting Southerners, I hear they dip their hollow point rounds in Ebola before capping your ass, just to make sure you die, one way or another. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I figured you were saying that the reason we have ebola in the USA is because of gun owners, pretty sure that is what you said.
I have lot's of guns!
Pretty sweet arsenal actually.
I sure didn't mean to come off sounding that way, thats for sure. Maybe you should actually read that article, i had posted a link to, and see where I was coming


Well-Known Member
I have lot's of guns!
Pretty sweet arsenal actually.
I sure didn't mean to come off sounding that way, thats for sure. Maybe you should actually read that article, i had posted a link from, and see where I was coming
Yeah, the Obama pick for SG thinks that guns kill people, instead of it being the people doing the killing. You can' t honestly think Murtha would be a good SG do you? His politics are anathema to parts of the constitution. If he wants to argue that guns are bad for your health, then he sure as fuck better argue that driving a car is worse and that prescription drugs are the biggest killers of all. If he isn't willing to admit those things, then he is just a phony, a hypocrite and the USA has no use for him as their SG.


Well-Known Member
where to begin with this steaming pile of horse shit?

Ebola in the USA is Obola's fault.
like i said, that finger pointing is only a way to self identify who is a racist.

You have probably conveniently forgotten O promised ebola wouldn't make it to the USA.
let's see you cite this "promise" then.

He has put our troops into direct contact with ebola.
gonna need a direct citation of this as well.

Of course they are going to bring it home with them.
cool, a republican is making predictions about the future. like that's never happened before and completely validated anyone but them.

He hasn't secured the borders and some from affected areas have crossed the border.
and the horse shit piles higher.

fox "news" already did their best in a hilarious report to overblow the "health issues" of border crossers.

the best they could do? chicken pox and scabies.

no ebola from those little central american kids though.

Where has the Surgeon General been during this?
haven't had one for years thanks to the NRA.

And through it all he has played his 200th round of golf. Which reminds me about a man named Nero.
now this is getting hilarious.

the retards at the blaze have it at 186, your fellow racist greenlikemoney has it at 192, and your racist ass has it at 200+.

you guys want to pick a fucking number and stick with it? it's unlikely that he has played 14 rounds of golf in the last two days alone.

your continued lies just give away how pathetic and desperate you are, and the less than apt historical comparisons just inform us as to how horribly far you are trying to reach.

You are guilty of having the typical knee-jerk liberal attitude of defending O
i'm guilty of defending the truth against your horrible and racist perversions, that is all.

i'll await your citations and can not wait to remind you of how your predictions all come out to be false.