From clear trics to Amber?


I am growing a strain from world of seeds called obsession it in the 8th week of flower and I have been looking at the tricoms with my 420 scope and noticed that allot of the tricoms are or clear or Amber. It like they go straight from clear to bend down Amber, it's a shame I can't take pictures and show you guys. But could it be because I am growing under clfs? I doubt it but I have heard that tricoms take longer to mature under clfs. Or could it be that I just don't know how to identify between cloudy and clear, they are not milky but some have alittle bit of white in the heads,but most I see are Amber and clear.
Can you give us a little more information? Soil or hydro? What nutrients? How much CFL light and how large is the grow?

Light intensity is important for producing THC and cloudy trichomes. CFL's would not be my first choice, but I've seen some impressive CFL grows on this forum from members who compensate for lower light intensity with a lot of bulbs.
I don't think anyone who isn't colorblind could mistake clear from amber. Do you not have any that look cloudy/milky?
I am not mistaking clear for Amber but I could be mistaking clear for cloudy. I have a few trics that definitely look like they are cloudy but that's it the rest is mostly clear or Amber
I am not mistaking clear for Amber but I could be mistaking clear for cloudy. I have a few trics that definitely look like they are cloudy but that's it the rest is molt clear or Amber

I find it nearly impossible ( botanically speaking ) that your trichs could go from clear to amber without passing through the cloudy stage. At this point pics would help a lot because I have never seen trichs go from clear to amber with no cloudy stage.
Can you give us a little more information? Soil or hydro? What nutrients? How much CFL light and how large is the grow?

Light intensity is important for producing THC and cloudy trichomes. CFL's would not be my first choice, but I've seen some impressive CFL grows on this forum from members who compensate for lower light intensity with a lot of bulbs.
I am grown one plant under about 160 watts, soil and fed with bio bizz witch is know to be organic
I find it nearly impossible ( botanically speaking ) that your trichs could go from clear to amber without passing through the cloudy stage. At this point pics would help a lot because I have never seen trichs go from clear to amber with no cloudy stage.
That's what I thought, so could it just be that I that most of my trics are cloudy but look clear?
I got a sample of the plant and I am drying it right now, so I'll see how it goes

alright thx for the help man, I guess I just have to wait more and see

It would be highly unusual to have amber trichs, clear trichs and no cloudy trichs. That's just an abomination of nature. Not saying it isn't possible, but definitely not normal.
i've had a plant that didn't seem to show much(if any) cloudy trichomes
the trichs instead became a honey yellow, ambered very slowly
and seen a few posts of different trich colors pictures
so imho you may be seeing what you said
Pay attention to the background when using a 'scope to check tris. For years I put sugar leaves on a piece of white paper and viewed them that way. I noticed that all the tris looked clear when I knew there had to be some milky ones too. Come to find out the white background was making milky tris appear clear. Now I put the leaf on the back of my hand to 'scope them. I'm a white boy but I ain't that white.

Good luck, BigSteve.