Auto Climax + Breeding


Well-Known Member
master grower garden starter i think its 4/15/12 humic acid and some micro nutes , its organic tractor supply sells it like 5-6 bucks a quart
i use it as a base nute in veg and then cut the veg nutes and double or triple up on the 4/15/12 or triple up in this case
Cool, I can go get that tomorrow.
I know Phosphorus promoted budding so I want to give it a try. Got any mixing methods (not hard mode)? :P


Well-Known Member
kosher is ok its not my thing ........
im into the trippy head highs , mild energy , heavy body high's
its more of a i did a 1/16 of coke and want to go clubbing high im not really into
Yea, that is what I'm looking for as well. I'm sick of the full body stone shit, I never get anything done.

I'm trying to figure out how this PM is going so long, its not sativa, but a long flowering indica. I'm on week 9 and only just starting to get cloudy. I'm waiting for at least 10% amber so I can be sure its completely done, its more than likely going to put me on my ass though. Gonna be a good night time smoke.


Well-Known Member
grow some of the hazes out :P the first batch i found 3-4 out of 40 that matched the mom to a T but i also pulled what reminded me of a thai out of them
its like 25/75 cull/keeper of course not minus the males but i had a high fem rate
What is the stretch like on them?
I was going to grow an aurora indica and a pineapple express, but my seeds haven't came so I don't know what is going on with that.


Well-Known Member
i use 2 capfuls a gallon as a base nute and they are really green and happy
you should read up on what humic acid does and you'll understand why i picked this particular nute and for the price its a tenth of the price of canna specifics


Well-Known Member
i use 2 capfuls a gallon as a base nute and they are really green and happy
you should read up on what humic acid does and you'll understand why i picked this particular nute and for the price its a tenth of the price of canna specifics
I'll do just that.
not bad at all its a slower veg but if you ran a month veg or 12/12 from seed you could run a few of them and probably yield more in the long run
Yea I was sort of thinking of maybe a sog grow. You think they would do well like that? Would be 12/12fs


Well-Known Member
i have a clone going of a branch airlayered and then airlayered in half so its topped this clones whole life has been 12/12 ill take a pic :p it just started flowering
its not seeded and this was my choice for a mom out of that run so i wanted to see how it acted when it wasnt seeded


Well-Known Member
personally i like running more plants even with less yield .........
its harder to fuck them all up then it is when your running one or 2
I'm curious as to see what I can do in the small containers, like the one I'm using for the PM and with my light closer to the plants I should be able to pack on some good weight with just the small, but I'm not positive on that. I think I would only probably pull an ounce per with those.
ya they would have a month or month and a half veg it takes them a bit to mature i would run the lights for a month then flip to 12/12 and they should be about ready
I may do that, I just like running 12/12 since it basically gives a veg anyway and doesn't use as much light. LoL


Well-Known Member
i have a clone going of a branch airlayered and then airlayered in half so its topped this clones whole life has been 12/12 ill take a pic :p it just started flowering
its not seeded and this was my choice for a mom out of that run so i wanted to see how it acted when it wasnt seeded
Gonna have to try that sometime when I have more space, it sounds like a pretty cool and efficient way to clone.


Well-Known Member
HAHA, hell no. I'm not going to apologize for what I said. Here is all I wrote:

I find interesting that we are required to participate in something that is not graded.
^^ was as simple as that. LoL

I'll pass this class, I have like high marks in every other thing but the midterm and the portion that makes up the final I already know the material, so yea. LoL. :mrgreen:
No apologizes here. She should be glad I decided not to make her online life a living hell since I found every account she has ever made. :P
Hahahahahaaaa :P :mrgreen:
Got ya.
That dude in that video is an idiot.
that's a super super lemon haze :P :D


Well-Known Member
God it's gonna be one of those nights. Passing out late as fuck and waking up at the butt crack of dawn.

I have coca cola, sweet tea and ganja. I shall do well :mrgreen: