The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Ahhhh but the hoods will be great for next summer....I've got a wing reflector I might justuse that in the veg but all depends how hot shit gets......I'll have the big 6"rvk sat on top of veg pulling from the flower tent thru to veg and use that fan u gave me to blow fresh air in the flower......that's why I need hoods u see......just thought I can attach the wing to one of the cool tubes job done sorted all I need is a 90x90 and an xxl hood


Well-Known Member
overhyped imo, it is frosty and has a nice taste but a shit yield and not the most potent. the one i had was the thin mint forum cut, and yes he wanted 200 quid for a cut (said i could have 50 for that price but he wouldn't give me one for less than 200)


Well-Known Member
200 for a snip....fuk that most anyone should pay is 50 quid that's so much profit, anyway these cunts get no biz and peeps hate em...try selling girl scut cookies round here...gangster naaaa fukin meen


Well-Known Member
oh also forgot to mention..................Gringo cuts have been taken, done 6 for now an left the mother to veg a bit more in case anymore are needed so within a fortnight i will absolutely NOT need your addies as i would never dream of breaking the sites terms n conditions by sending one out to any of you lmfao

well fuk u i DONT want one then...

all my shit looking dank as mofo atm, im sure the one me and dub been nipping and fucking with the past few months is gunna be a fast finsiher. more nips and knuckles and mad random branches than u can shake a stik at

nanner hunt later


Well-Known Member
200 for a snip....fuk that most anyone should pay is 50 quid that's so much profit, anyway these cunts get no biz and peeps hate em...try selling girl scut cookies round here...gangster naaaa fukin meen

believe it or not, the current cheese cutting i have now was gifted to me by a close friend, the one who convinced me to finally start growing was given to him to wipe an 8 grand debt, lololol.

he had the kids lexus and then got a phone call saying i can get you a cheese cutting give me ma car back. seams a bit fucked but at the time he was growing some shitty widows and domina, proper headache shit!. we are talking over ten years ago now, getting cuttings was not so easy as today. he has probably grown a few tonnes of it now so the 8k whilst fuckin batshit crazy is somewhat justified if you look at if from an ROI point of view.

i would never buy a cutting, not even for a 5er, i got my cheese for free and nothing has better commercial value than that.


Well-Known Member
believe it or not, the current cheese cutting i have now was gifted to me by a close friend, the one who convinced me to finally start growing was given to him to wipe an 8 grand debt, lololol.

he had the kids lexus and then got a phone call saying i can get you a cheese cutting give me ma car back. seams a bit fucked but at the time he was growing some shitty widows and domina, proper headache shit!. we are talking over ten years ago now, getting cuttings was not so easy as today. he has probably grown a few tonnes of it now so the 8k whilst fuckin batshit crazy is somewhat justified if you look at if from an ROI point of view.

i would never buy a cutting, not even for a 5er, i got my cheese for free and nothing has better commercial value than that.

youl have the scouse cheese cut wont u? that ones menna be super resiny?

if I can pick em up at the post office when I'm getting my dole I'll get u a few but I'm not signing up n ordering the fuckers for u
lol its ok il order em,dont want em loose pal i want em in teh collectors strip


Well-Known Member
This sounds like same cut, I'm having to go psst the guy I got that bud from and get it from a friend of a friend as they're being greedy about parting with it
overhyped imo, it is frosty and has a nice taste but a shit yield and not the most potent. the one i had was the thin mint forum cut, and yes he wanted 200 quid for a cut (said i could have 50 for that price but he wouldn't give me one for less than 200)