What words should be banned outright?

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I have a gun......as a man with a gun...........do I not have the right to decide if I kill YOU, or not?....... Just an observation.......

No... you don't! I'm not inside your body incapable of survival without living off your body.

I'm a woman with many guns and well prepared to defend myself against morons like you who consider your right to your body all YOURS... but don't give the same consideration to others.

I think you get the award for "stupid observation of the day"! :evil:


New Member
No... you don't! I'm not inside your body incapable of survival without living off your body.

I'm a woman with many guns and well prepared to defend myself against morons like you who consider your right to your body all YOURS... but don't give the same consideration to others.

I think you get the award for "stupid observation of the day"! :evil:
Thank God (you) your mother didn't buy into your naive arguments.....baby.

This is a social issue, as is the death penalty.....you, as a woman, get one vote......you can waste it however you like.....but you can't/shouldn't be able to negate MY vote, because your a woman. States rights, just like gay marriage.....or do you think states should decide if gay marriage is legal but the feds can make the final call on abortion?


New Member
I'm not inside your body incapable of survival without living off your body.

Are you referring to babies or cancer.....I'm confused?

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
This is a social issue, as is the death penalty.....you, as a woman, get one vote......you can waste it however you like.....but you can't/shouldn't be able to negate MY vote, because your a woman. States rights, just like gay marriage.....or do you think states should decide if gay marriage is legal but the feds can make the final call on abortion?

LOL... you really are a stupid jackass aren't you....

I'm in favor of NO ONE ... State or Fed... having a say so in decisions I make about my own body with my physician. There should be NO LAW on the books anywhere about what I do with my own body, including abortion, suicide and medical treatment(s).

Quite trying to put a "spin" on the issue. Clearly you sit on the side of the fence supporting "BIG GOVERNMENT". Perhaps you need them to legislate the hell out of your personal life right down to who you can legally marry..... I personally do NOT need that level of control. I'm quite capable of determining what is best for me.


Well-Known Member
LOL... you really are a stupid jackass aren't you....

I'm in favor of NO ONE ... State or Fed... having a say so in decisions I make about my own body with my physician. There should be NO LAW on the books anywhere about what I do with my own body, including abortion, suicide and medical treatment(s).

Quite trying to put a "spin" on the issue. Clearly you sit on the side of the fence supporting "BIG GOVERNMENT". Perhaps you need them to legislate the hell out of your personal life right down to who you can legally marry..... I personally do NOT need that level of control. I'm quite capable of determining what is best for me.
I agree for the most part

but abortion is so sad:cry:


New Member
LOL... you really are a stupid jackass aren't you....

I'm in favor of NO ONE ... State or Fed... having a say so in decisions I make about my own body with my physician. There should be NO LAW on the books anywhere about what I do with my own body, including abortion, suicide and medical treatment(s).

Quite trying to put a "spin" on the issue. Clearly you sit on the side of the fence supporting "BIG GOVERNMENT". Perhaps you need them to legislate the hell out of your personal life right down to who you can legally marry..... I personally do NOT need that level of control. I'm quite capable of determining what is best for me.
Then buy a coat hanger you bitch......


New Member
I should be able to employ my 12 year old in a shoe making factory, if I choose....

I should be able to sell my organs, if I choose.....

I should be able to smoke weed in public, if I choose.....

You should be able to engage in prostitution, if you choose.....

Hell, I'm with you......but we live in a Republic, baby....we should respect that, or move.....

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I'm not inside your body incapable of survival without living off your body.

Are you referring to babies or cancer.....I'm confused?

So you are now comparing embryos to a malignancy???? Being the dimwit you are I can see how you would be confused.

OK.. I'll play along... YES... I should be able to decide with my physician if either of those two should be able to live off my body. Everyday new research is being done to help people in their quest to evict the latter.

Either way.. it's between a person and their physician. You get your body... I get mine.... we each get to decide what is best for our own.... we DON'T get to decide for the other!


Well-Known Member

So you are now comparing embryos to a malignancy???? Being the dimwit you are I can see how you would be confused.

OK.. I'll play along... YES... I should be able to decide with my physician if either of those two should be able to live off my body. Everyday new research is being done to help people in their quest to evict the latter.

Either way.. it's between a person and their physician. You get your body... I get mine.... we each get to decide what is best for our own.... we DON'T get to decide for the other!
But Florida girl, on a serious note. dont you think the father of the baby should have some kind of legal say in the abortion taking place?

The thing is, if you get an abortion, his baby is going too. but if you choose not to, he has to pay child support, hes legally bound to the child. there should at least be a legal tie IMO. :peace:


New Member

So you are now comparing embryos to a malignancy???? Being the dimwit you are I can see how you would be confused.

OK.. I'll play along... YES... I should be able to decide with my physician if either of those two should be able to live off my body. Everyday new research is being done to help people in their quest to evict the latter.

Either way.. it's between a person and their physician. You get your body... I get mine.... we each get to decide what is best for our own.... we DON'T get to decide for the other!
No..... you're equating embryos to malignancy.....get your position straight, or don't.