Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Not officially, but most of us don;t mind your being gay.
I see what you did there... but fosho.

Kinda like how I always tell homies "why you aleays gotta take it there ?" Type gay. Just askin. I dont suck dick but yall can suck mines...

Just playin i only talk like that with my homies.

Edit : your so not you're meaning me..
I see what you did there... but fosho.

Kinda like how I always tell homies "why you aleays gotta take it there ?" Type gay. Just askin. I dont suck dick but yall can suck mines...

Just playin i only talk like that with my homies.

Edit : your so not you're meaning me..


I see what you did there... but fosho.

Kinda like how I always tell homies "why you aleays gotta take it there ?" Type gay. Just askin. I dont suck dick but yall can suck mines...

Just playin i only talk like that with my homies.

Edit : your so not you're meaning me..

Actually, my grammar is correct. Had I said you're being gay, it would have changed the entire meaning (you ARE being gay).

I am so afraid for the future of this country. No Child Left Behind, my ass.
So you meant your as "us" as in "us the RIU members " ?

Dont worry about all the youth. I am part of the "unforsaken youth " but I teach my kids (son and nephews ,nieces,etc...) judge not by speech or looks but rather by actions and "heart" so to say. @ClaytonBigsby
Problem with questions? @sunni oh....... I get it. I am a psychic hallow eve baby. I know what you mean. Don't worry i wont front you out. But nae, no problem, just wondering. Ya feel me? Prob not since you act all needy

EDIT : Actually, I dont even understand what the hell I wrote. Just another internet post....carry on
What's going on on the side of your head? And the color choice of the art in the background. Are you trying to tell us something?


Because we have a roster spot open in my superhero patrol.

That's my super power on the side of my head… a super brain. (not really, it's my hair, it was up )
I've wanted to but there seems to be a gravity well around Toke n' Talk that I can't escape!

That has been happening to me a lot lately… I burned a whole batch of mirapoix for my chicken and dumplings replying to random RIU shit LOL…

In other news, made a killer batch of Chicken and dumplings, some teriyaki chicken wings, and a pumpkin pie today…. Got the cooking bug with the cooler weather.
“I learned that just beneath the surface there’s another world, and still different worlds as you dig deeper. I knew it as
a kid, but I couldn’t find the proof. It was just a kind of feeling. There is goodness in blue skies and flowers, but another
force,a wild pain and decay also accompanies everything.”~ David Lynch
That's my super power on the side of my head… a super brain. (not really, it's my hair, it was up )

That has been happening to me a lot lately… I burned a whole batch of mirapoix for my chicken and dumplings replying to random RIU shit LOL…

In other news, made a killer batch of Chicken and dumplings, some teriyaki chicken wings, and a pumpkin pie today…. Got the cooking bug with the cooler weather.

Yup, I have a 9# brisket that I braised in beer, made garlic mashies to go with. I love it when you get the first cool snap and can turn on the oven again.

Well I am off to another medical appointment cya all later.
NO lol i was dancing... and my friend put the jug down infront of me and i smashed my head on the beerjug hahahahah my eye is all fucked up ahhahahaha
must've been a tall jug. LOL. Drunk dancing is the best. It makes us such better dancers :P
Yup, I have a 9# brisket that I braised in beer, made garlic mashies to go with. I love it when you get the first cool snap and can turn on the oven again.

Well I am off to another medical appointment cya all later.

Briskets YUMMM I Braise mine w/ red wine and make matzo dumplings… to DIE for. especially the gravy.


Pie turned out perfect, except for the HOLES grrrr….. Oven must've been too hot and steam escaped through them.
Briskets YUMMM I Braise mine w/ red wine and make matzo dumplings… to DIE for. especially the gravy.


Pie turned out perfect, except for the HOLES grrrr….. Oven must've been too hot and steam escaped through them.

Mmmmm, perfection, aren't holes why God made whipped cream?

PS how's does that damn @Indagrow post so much from an iPad, this sux!