New Grows, Looking nice.


Well-Known Member
Hello Rollitup, I have been growing for a while and want to share some pics.I have two tents"4x4x8" 600w MH/HPS. In the first tent I have 6 OG Kush"UC DWC" and the second I have 4 OG Kush"DWC" The six in tent 1 have been flipped for about 6 days now and the second tent they have been vegging for 30 days. I topped all the plants twice. I also am trying to grow some shrooms this time around and so far good luck with that too, all white and no contaminates yet.
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Some new pic's, my first tent my pump stopped working and I had ph problems but I now got that fixed(removed pump and now straight dwc)and the plants are responding. The second tent the plants are doing just fine but I got a monster in the back that I'm sure will outgrow the tent. I gave up on the shrooms as I birthed a cake a few day's ago(wasn't no pics)and this morning there was green mold so I threw it all in the fucking garbage. But the plants are doing just fine.
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Here is some new pics, I don't know why the little one in the center front in tent one burnt up so bad I am having a hard time keeping the PH right and that plant suffered and I'm sure it won't yield much now.
I just couldn't stand the sick plants crying out so I took all the plants out and made the buckets straight DWC(took out all the return tubs and the res) and gave them a flush and nute change. That was yesterday and today the plants are doing much better. I don't think I will yield much from the two in the center as they suffered the most and are small compared to the other 4. Well thats the way it goes every single grow I have a problem or another. But the other 4 will yield great. The buds are getting tri's now so in a week they should be getting very frosty.
looking great, nice recovery from your problems!! i know how you feel "every grow i have a problem" its frustrating, but dont it feel good when you get over it?
looking great, nice recovery from your problems!! i know how you feel "every grow i have a problem" its frustrating, but dont it feel good when you get over it?
It pisses me off because I live paycheck to paycheck and don't always have money for emergencies. My water pump failed so I couldn't get another one(yet) and them plants suffered. But in a couple of months I'll be smoking these buds and saying to myself "was there a problem"? Just pisses me off because you get the plants looking great then shit happens and ruins the whole crop(not one crop yet without a problem).
yeah, i know its easy for some but when people say get spares etc they dont realise were not all loaded:cry: but as some one whos never done hydro (though ive been looking at ucdwc) im glad to see that if you do hit a problem like the pump, then you can salvage something, was it off for long? and would you say honestly that uc is more stable for ph etc? ive read up on it but to hear first hand would be cool
yeah, i know its easy for some but when people say get spares etc they dont realise were not all loaded:cry: but as some one whos never done hydro (though ive been looking at ucdwc) im glad to see that if you do hit a problem like the pump, then you can salvage something, was it off for long? and would you say honestly that uc is more stable for ph etc? ive read up on it but to hear first hand would be cool
With a UC DWC if the water pump fails it not much of a problem as long as your air pump still works lol. The problem was that the big plants were eating all the food and for some reason the small plants got very high ph that I just could not control. So if indeed you do go with UC DWC if the water pump fails don't wait and disconnect the return tubs and just go straight DWC that way the plants will not be sharing. I'm not going to replace the pump as it was not really that beneficial except that you can go longer without res changes but I find that I can grow just as easily by checking each plant individually. A res is hard to keep cool in a tent, the water pump is noisy and all that extra shit in the tent just uses up valuable space. Just go with DWC bro and you won't look at anything else. I will post pics of my second tent that I have 4 OG Kush going DWC style and they are doing great(2finger thick stalks).
impressive stuff mate, that's some stem eh!!! is that the monster at the back??
I am gonna take the plunge next run I think, I keep saying it but never do!! but when I see pics like that it makes the decision easier, I too want to see if it really "explodes" in veg,
how far is this tent behind the other? and where do you stand on trimming at the beginning of flower,
impressive stuff mate, that's some stem eh!!! is that the monster at the back??
I am gonna take the plunge next run I think, I keep saying it but never do!! but when I see pics like that it makes the decision easier, I too want to see if it really "explodes" in veg,
how far is this tent behind the other? and where do you stand on trimming at the beginning of flower,
I am a firm believer in defoliation, I trim constantly and just before harvest I defoliate. The 4 in tent two I only vegged 3 weeks and tent one I vegged them about 5 but I was training them and topped them twice, tent two only got topped once. Harvest times is about 6 weeks away for tent one and 7 or 8 for tent two. The big one in tent two is easily going to outgrow the tent, And I have tried to supercrop but it didn't even slow it down. My brothers last crop before he died had a big one in the back as well but it hermi'd and I expect this one to do the same thing. You will get big plants from a DWC setup and you can easily shave two weeks of the veg time because they grow fast but once you flip there's really no advantage.