I am honestly so stoned that I'm scared. either the bud I smoked was the best I've had or it was laced. I am thinking ten million and one thoughts at once and none of them make sense to me at all.

just relax and try to remember what sobriety feels like.
get some different bud. and then smoke it.

i bought some coco puff on accident once. made feel like a coked up stoner. so nothing too intense. maybe yours had something else in it. PCP perhaps. i dont mean to scare you or anything.

get a home drug test if you are curious.
just relax and try to remember what sobriety feels like.
get some different bud. and then smoke it.

i bought some coco puff on accident once. made feel like a coked up stoner. so nothing too intense. maybe yours had something else in it. PCP perhaps. i dont mean to scare you or anything.

get a home drug test if you are curious.

dam thats a good idea i would have never come up with that.
man I don't think it's PCP I've seen people on PCP. this weed was called white rhino or white widow, my friend's sisters boyfriend grows it. all i remember is blowing out smoke and then getting out of a car and walking into my house. now my mind is racing but I can't like think thoughts
man I don't think it's PCP I've seen people on PCP. this weed was called white rhino or white widow, my friend's sisters boyfriend grows it. all i remember is blowing out smoke and then getting out of a car and walking into my house. now my mind is racing but I can't like think thoughts

how long have you been smoking weed?
I've been smoking weed for about a year. I started dealing in 7th grade when I moved back to new york but I remembered a story that my dad told me as a kid, about a guy he lived up the street from who was a dealer. he had like three lincolns, gold chains, mad shit. but he never got caught or did stupid things because he never used the drugs himself. so I I never smoked weed or used anything else, not even smoke cigs. but then I moved back to PA in 9th grade and saw the errors of my way. I became straight edge, so much so that I once was getting my teeth pulled and refused to use any drugs to make me numb. that was a bad move. I felt that for a long time. then I randomly decided to smoke weed in my jr year of high school. the first time I smoked I didn't get high. the first time I got high I smoked like 40 bowls and talked to a dog about the economy. then I smoked some dank shit and it was awesome. then all I used to get were mids and on occasion some good shit. but I have quit smoking since september and just started smoking sparingly like two months ago. this is my first time smoking white widow or white w/e the fuck it is and IT'S AWESOME
I've been smoking weed for about a year. I started dealing in 7th grade when I moved back to new york but I remembered a story that my dad told me as a kid, about a guy he lived up the street from who was a dealer. he had like three lincolns, gold chains, mad shit. but he never got caught or did stupid things because he never used the drugs himself. so I I never smoked weed or used anything else, not even smoke cigs. but then I moved back to PA in 9th grade and saw the errors of my way. I became straight edge, so much so that I once was getting my teeth pulled and refused to use any drugs to make me numb. that was a bad move. I felt that for a long time. then I randomly decided to smoke weed in my jr year of high school. the first time I smoked I didn't get high. the first time I got high I smoked like 40 bowls and talked to a dog about the economy. then I smoked some dank shit and it was awesome. then all I used to get were mids and on occasion some good shit. but I have quit smoking since september and just started smoking sparingly like two months ago. this is my first time smoking white widow or white w/e the fuck it is and IT'S AWESOME

sounds like you just smoked some good weed.
but get a home drug test if you are curious.
you type like i imagine you talking right now.
I'm talking normal but I am not using the vocabulary I usually use. thanks for the advice, though. I have a drug test in my room, but I'm sure that I'm just this high because it was really good weed and I haven't smoked in a long time.
I'm talking normal but I am not using the vocabulary I usually use. thanks for the advice, though. I have a drug test in my room, but I'm sure that I'm just this high because it was really good weed and I haven't smoked in a long time.

i can imagine the feeling.
i would drink a beer and watch some t.v.