Ok I've blazed up

Problem is the tent is resisting arrest. Worse it just kicked the dog shit out of me. I finally just curled up under it and took a nap until the hubby found me and accused me of simply hiding to take a nap. I had to inform him how the tent had it in for me. I'd smoked this space queen in the bong earlier. Really good distilled shit the way
@cannabineer makes it.
Anyway I realized this was a replay of a GRE question and how to put the tent up simply. The problem was the epiphany was short lived and not an engineered solution. I unzipped every thing on that mother fucker and pitched it up over the skeleton. Anyway tent collapsed, I went down under the weight of it, then the zippers came for me. I was hopelessly tangled and unlike most men I KNOW when to stop resisting. So.... nap time, I am soooooooo fucked up. Thank god you can't drown in a tent!
Ok I've smoked up more. But I can't find my fucking drywall stilts!! WHO STOLE MY DRYWALL STILTS! I was gonna show that tent who is boss