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I was missing something in my life...That was Jesus...I was saved through him by faith about 13 years ago...I stopped going to church ans reading the bible...Well things in my degraded to new lows.....I have since gone back to the Lord, and have started reading His Word...I have total peace back in my life, and things are wonderful....The past 2 weeks or so since this has happened have probably been the best two weeks of my entire life...I win't be going back to opot, or drinking,,,Instead I will be absorbing God's Word into my soul....It's good....Real Good...

I pray that anyone here who does not have Jesus as their Saviour may come to find eternal life though him, and the True Peace that only He brings...

God Bless you all......SC

I don't understand how the fact you did this shit all on your own doesn't strengthen your fucking balls to overloaded capacity..

You beat your fucking demons by yourself, man. Be proud of that.

To give all the praise to God or Jesus diminishes your own effort you put into this. You're selling yourself short..

The credit goes to you, just you, only you. YOU did it. BY YOURSELF. Your belief in religion may have facilitated it, and you might not have done it without religion, but you fucking did it.

I'm proud of you. And I hate to rain on your religious parade, but I believe it's unfair to attribute religion to the worlds solutions, especially if it's obvious the same outcome could have prevailed without it.
God's speaking? He said get a clue. For whoever shall challenge the ideas of his own religion against those of the other and shall try to disprove those fake religions shall come to find that by the same measuring stick may all faiths fall short. Be it Canaan, Meditha, Aisha or the alter boys all religions have practiced genocide and exploitation of children that was sanctioned by their God. Religion did not exist until such time there was enough bounty that one man could exploit another man's work. I say unto you, if there is a God he is not with us here and if you find peace in baseless faith then so be it but religion, nations, cultures, and standards of beauty and status as we know all of these today are constructs of the elite to exploit and justify the exploitation of the masses. I only hope that you wake up and don't ask what is God's plan, ask what is your plan, and demand it from the rich who have stolen it from you. Demand it in the name of the dead soldiers who died as muscle men for big business under the guise of protecting freedom and the farce of an American dream.
I don't understand how the fact you did this shit all on your own doesn't strengthen your fucking balls to overloaded capacity..

You beat your fucking demons by yourself, man. Be proud of that.

To give all the praise to God or Jesus diminishes your own effort you put into this. You're selling yourself short..

The credit goes to you, just you, only you. YOU did it. BY YOURSELF. Your belief in religion may have facilitated it, and you might not have done it without religion, but you fucking did it.

I'm proud of you. And I hate to rain on your religious parade, but I believe it's unfair to attribute religion to the worlds solutions, especially if it's obvious the same outcome could have prevailed without it.
Well fucking said....now here's a man that finally knows wot he's talking about......FINALLY...
God's speaking? He said get a clue. For whoever shall challenge the ideas of his own religion against those of the other and shall try to disprove those fake religions shall come to find that by the same measuring stick may all faiths fall short. Be it Canaan, Meditha, Aisha or the alter boys all religions have practiced genocide and exploitation of children that was sanctioned by their God. Religion did not exist until such time there was enough bounty that one man could exploit another man's work. I say unto you, if there is a God he is not with us here and if you find peace in baseless faith then so be it but religion, nations, cultures, and standards of beauty and status as we know all of these today are constructs of the elite to exploit and justify the exploitation of the masses. I only hope that you wake up and don't ask what is God's plan, ask what is your plan, and demand it from the rich who have stolen it from you. Demand it in the name of the dead soldiers who died as muscle men for big business under the guise of protecting freedom and the farce of an American dream.
BRAVO...couldn't have put it better myself....and trust me I'm am the man who can provide details....
I would like to thank both of you for your views on religion....

I am not going to get into a discussion about it. I agree completely that each person is responsible for the outcome of their life's journey , not a magical sky fairy. My opinion about religion is that the weak need someone to follow as they are not strong enough to take on life on their own!

Im out!! I need to go feed my Unicorn..........
We're all just trying to find our way brother. I find the words comforting because it reminds me to so the best with what tools he gives me. My cross is the pain I carry from hurting those closest to me.

I spend mine time reaching out to people, to remind everyone that I can life is short, God is good and you don't have to carry it all alone. Maybe I'll find redemption, maybe I won't but at least I'll know I tried to leave the world in a better place than I found it.

Thanks SC, I really appreciate the chance to post here on your thread. :peace:

well you do have redemption...If you believe in Jesus you are forgiven, and he will never leave you....I found Jesus in 2001....I attended chruch and read the bible for a few years then I backslid for 10 years without ever picking up the Bible ! But I knew God was always there...Everyday it seemed I still had a thought about God or Jesus...I was still even doing short prayers...But once God knew I was changing my life, and repenting once again he REALLY filled me with the Spirit....
It was so overwhelming that I cried tears of joy everyday for 2 weeks straight !!! I have since mellowed out, and am trying to walk right with Jesus... :-)

rosey, have you ever been baptized with the Holy Spirit ?
I don't understand how the fact you did this shit all on your own doesn't strengthen your fucking balls to overloaded capacity..

You beat your fucking demons by yourself, man. Be proud of that.

To give all the praise to God or Jesus diminishes your own effort you put into this. You're selling yourself short..

The credit goes to you, just you, only you. YOU did it. BY YOURSELF. Your belief in religion may have facilitated it, and you might not have done it without religion, but you fucking did it.

I'm proud of you. And I hate to rain on your religious parade, but I believe it's unfair to attribute religion to the worlds solutions, especially if it's obvious the same outcome could have prevailed without it.

Absolutely not...I did not beat the demons myself...I was headed down a scary road...My gf said she was really started to get worried about me like something was going to happen to me in the taxi I drive...either from a passenger, someone on the street, etc....Things were turning real bad...I had about no Holy Spirit left in me...It all culminated one night into terrible terrible night...I never really fear for myself in that cab but by the end of the night I was driving around with my shield closed....I never have it closed....

Satan was unleashing his demons (through people that were getting in my cab)....It was the worst night of cabbin' I ever had, and all came to a head when I got two nasty guys in the back who freaked out when I told them they I needed money up front for a fare...I figured they were either going to hurt me or do something to my cab or both.....So I took them to the cops where one guy got out, and the other kicked out a back window....

That was the final straw for me....I need protection out there....That is what the Holy Spirit does...

Psalm 5:12King James Version (KJV)
12 For thou, Lord, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield.

Now, if you don't have Jesus then you don't have the Holy Spirit....And if you are not a follower of Jesus, then there is only one thing you could be following whether you realize it or not...That's Satan....He has many fooled....Jesus calls him the King of all Liars, and that lies is his native tongue....

here is a verse Jesus speaking:

John 8:44King James Version (KJV)
44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Ever since I came back to the Lord I have had total peace not just in the taxi but all around me...I used to get into it with various cab drivers...No more....Sounds crazy but even people I run into in everyday life are more friendly...Coffee shop, gas station, etc.....It's not crazy though...That is what the Holy Spirit can do...The Holy Spirit is God...God is good....God is truth...God is peace.....True peace.....

Jesus came into this world with so sin, and the viciously, unmercifully, and brutally beat him...They spit in his face...The son of God....The only person to have never sinned in this world !!!! That is how bad, and how filthy this world is !!!! Absolutely brutal !!!

With the crucifixion of Christ, God was pleased...That was the ultimate sacrifice...Jesus died for all so that sins may be forgiven...However, not all are forgiven...You first have to accept Jesus' death, and that he died for your sins....You have to understand that sin is an abomination to a Holy God, and that you are now condemned to Hell and the Lake of Fire for all of eternity...The Bible states there will be "weeping and gnashing of teeth"...Not a place I would wish on my worst enemy which is why I now pray for my enemies....

I pray that anyone reading this will accept Jesus, and not end up in the Lake of Fire for all of eternity....THIS IS SERIOUS STUFF GUYS !!!! PLEASE DON'T DISREGARD THIS !!!!! God gives everyone chance(s) to receive the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ....Please accept him as your saviour from eternal damnation !!! Let Jesus baptize you with the Holy Spirit !!! Here's a link to a little "life cartoon"...please read it to the end...It may be life changing for you!!!

If you agree that you are a sinner, and understand that God does not like sin...Then please say the prayer at the end..Pray to God in Jesus' name...Then repent, and enjoy eternal life !!! I pray that anyone who reads this will find eternal life from Jesus !!!!!


well you do have redemption...If you believe in Jesus you are forgiven, and he will never leave you....I found Jesus in 2001....I attended chruch and read the bible for a few years then I backslid for 10 years without ever picking up the Bible ! But I knew God was always there...Everyday it seemed I still had a thought about God or Jesus...I was still even doing short prayers...But once God knew I was changing my life, and repenting once again he REALLY filled me with the Spirit....
It was so overwhelming that I cried tears of joy everyday for 2 weeks straight !!! I have since mellowed out, and am trying to walk right with Jesus... :-)

rosey, have you ever been baptized with the Holy Spirit ?
Yes I have Cowboy...:D I still stumble and fall but he is right there, holding his hand out to me and helping me up each time.
This is very true....well noticed..when that happens usually a big sign pops up on my screen say.......WARNING WARNING .....THIS IS A BULLSHIT ALERT....

Do I have to upload the pics of the 5 oz of weed that I flushed down the toilet ?

In hindsight, I probably should not have started the thread with that title....However, at the time I was growing weed, and I was super pissed that my gf's kid stole the 3 oz of wed from weed....

I wanted to kill him at the time..But, things happen for a reason....God let it happen, and now I am back with the Lord...I have gone from hating and wanting to kill him to forgiving him, and praying for him....That's what Jesus wants...For us to pray for our enemies...

If you want I can also upload pics of the broken lock off my grow cabinet as well as the now completely empty cab that had 3 plants growing in it...

Not sure why you are calling bs here...I was a believer in Jesus who strayed away and did not pick up a bible for 10 years...I turned my life back over to Jesus, and now my life is changed for the better....
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