Looking for alternative to smoking, was given "Aunt Zelda's Game Changer" http://www.azcannaoil.com/test-results/, "5-10 drops under tongue as needed", it says. 3.5 hours and an empty bottle later, no effect on aches, nausea, low appetite, anxiety, not even the slightest hint of a high either. According to hours of Google searches, no one else on the planet has this problem. The person who gave it to me raves about it, but her feelings would be crushed if I told her the gift was useless on me. No response from Aunt Zelda site either. I seriously put about 7 or 8 drops under my tongue for excess of 10 minutes(looking like Dizzy Gilespie from the saliva filling my mouth) and repeated for over 3 hours. What am I doing wrong?