Thinking of this type of thing, sci fi stuff, is reminding me of some weird dreams I had a while back. I recall one dream I was with my family driving somewhere and for some reason we were in a convertible and had the top down. There was this huge wall of thin muddy water out in the distance. It came flowing in like a tall tsunami wall, but it didn't flow down like you would expect water to do. It was a brown type of looking water. And then all these little flying mechanical things with tails came flying out of the wall of muddy water. In the dream we were driving down a highway. Everyone else saw the flying things and took off running back the other way, but I just stood there watching wanting to know what they are and what they would do. One came up to me and I think jabbed a needle into my head/face. It wanted to read my mind or something. For some reason in the dream I felt like I was saving other people by allowing that thing to do this to me.
Then a while later I had another dream that was very similar. This time it was a dream that we were being attacked by another county that had space crafts and they released the flying mechanical things, but they were silver in coloration this time. They shot them out like rockets and they came swarming for everyone. This time I was slower than everyone else. I was yelling they are coming they are coming everyone else ran and hid in bedrooms and shelters. For some reason I wasn't in our house in this dream, I was in a neighbors house because I ran over there to warn them. I was looking out their front door into the sky which was blue but had clouds. The space crafts came by again almost hovering, lots of bass type of sound as they went by. Their flying craft had 4 huge squares on the bottom and they were also able to grapple or pull things in through the bottom through tractor beam, these were a grey metal type of color but I recall some orange as well. There were also larger crafts farther up and they were more a darker grey, they were huge like battle ships in the sky. As I was looking out the neighbors front door into the sky I saw those flying mechanical things being launched from the larger crafts out in the distance just beyond the cover of the clouds, it looked something like large hail stones coming. They came straight at me. I slammed the door after yelling they are here. Then I was nothing but quiet and calling out to no one as to not give up their hiding spots. The things crashed through the windows and got me, I don't recall anything more from this dream I was probably flipped out and woke up sweating by then.
I at random seem to have odd dreams about people getting hurt or somehow attacked in the masses.
I have caught myself waking up from terrifying dreams mumbling No No Nooo and slightly rolling back and forth in bed, sweating intensely then shivering because the sweat gets cold. I swear this is the result of constantly seeing bad things on the news all the time, like I am programed to expect to be under attack.