In the end, 1/4 pound plants shouldn't have been a problem, with the spacing he does. I don't doubt the claim.
To me, it's always how much do I pull per light(1000w's). I grow just about every which way, and I can dam near pull off the same amount per light, off of any system, w/same strain.
But, I have never grown in any system that would beat the efficiency of the tubes I used to build more than 20 yrs ago. We'll call them Aeroknow tubes

Similar to Aeroflo tubes(which were designed by NASA engineers, years after I designed my first tube. AMAZING, lol)
Anyways, what made my tubes/system kick some
Serious ass(besides the ridiculous growth) was ZERO veg time. Rooted cuts, rite into flower. 8 plants per 8.5'-9' tube. 4 tubes per 2 lights(1000w's). We would usually pull a pound
per tube, that was the average.
If I was to start a thread like this one, it would show the design and build of my tubes, showing it all in detail, followed by a weekly update of a grow, just to show the ridiculous growth that setup produces. But, that is all easier said then done for sure. And people probably think i'm full of shit, until I prove it

I'm not into bragging anymore, as I'm getting old, very grey. It would be to help people, which I suppose was superstoners intention.
I want to build some tubes and grow this way again so fucking bad. But things are running so smooth, I don't feel like a complete redesign of a growroom rite now. And it's just too many plants for our rooms. Maybe soon though(just 4 tubes)