Well-Known Member
Yep, common sense argument, same as the pro-lifers state.
I'm not calling pro-life common sense

Yep, common sense argument, same as the pro-lifers state.
I'm not calling pro-life common sense
"pro-life is common sense, and i don't believe in common sense!" - ginwilly, the half-human half-weasel pretzel girl.
I guess you've given up on proving "it's her body unless I say so"
my point has been it is her body unless she chooses to make a second one, then there is a second body.
Yep, you are still making the same argument as the pro-lifers.
pro-lifers do not give the woman a choice. she must keep the pregnancy.
i say she can choose to keep it or not. and if she decides to keep it, there should be the force of law behind not abusing it.
you object to a law saying mothers can't drink their babies to death.
that is beyond retarded. but then again, you are you.
Democrat Motto:Freedom of my choice?
Democrat Motto:
"You are FREE to do as we tell you"
So, "Mr.Anti-Racist"...good job on inverting reality again. now go talk about how abortion is murder and you are pro-choice and not 4'11''.
So, "Mr.Anti-Racist"...
Tell us again how Voter ID would disproportionately harm blacks and minorities.
(With the very obvious implication that blacks and minorities are for some reason incapable of obtaining an ID to vote)
So, "Mr.Anti-Racist"...
Tell us again how Voter ID would disproportionately harm blacks and minorities.
(With the very obvious implication that blacks and minorities are for some reason incapable of obtaining an ID to vote)
Voter ID is racist because blacks are incapable of getting ID.....
i will never understand
you remind us of beenthere, mahsistah.
no, the pro life argument is a religious one. common sense dictates that we leave that difficult and personal choice between the woman and her doctor and do not make it for her.
i like how you call pro life "common sense" and suckle the nuts of rabid pro lifers rawn and rend pawl, but want us all to believe you're pro choice.
nice try, shitloaf.
another day, another case of ginwilly being a two face hypocrite.
this is so true for so many things isn't it.
If you actually tried, you may learn something, but when you admit publicly that you dropped out of college because they couldn't teach you anything you didn't already know, we know you've topped off on the information cup.
so you're not gonna defend yourself?
why do you want to make it legal for pregnant women to drink their babies to death?
why do you want to make it legal to refuse service based solely on skin color?
and which "geographic regions" need to "evolve from the neck up"?
so you're not gonna defend yourself?
why do you want to make it legal for pregnant women to drink their babies to death?
why do you want to make it legal to refuse service based solely on skin color?
and which "geographic regions" need to "evolve from the neck up"?