Well-Known Member
you are one of the most articulate and well spoken members of this forum.That's all they have.
you are one of the most articulate and well spoken members of this forum.That's all they have.
I think he's equating fiat currencies to central banks, which in itself isn't either entirely accurate or inaccurate.I would love to see you explain how that works.
Feel free to use some numbers and equations while you're at it...
And you are one of the more asinine members of this forum.you are one of the most articulate and well spoken members of this forum.
That's not completely accurate, either.I think he's equating fiat currencies to central banks, which in itself isn't either entirely accurate or inaccurate.
For inflation to occur, you have to increase the money supply with no increase in overall productivity/market participation.
With an asset backed currency inflation becomes virtually impossible because to make new money you have to either adjust the currency/asset ratio (first step towards a fiat currency) or simply come up with more of the original asset and then issue more currency.
I'd be more concerned with the apoplexy in "free-marketeers" who fail to grasp the subtle differences in "money" at the macro-scale.Sorry if any lefty brains exploded or if I mistyped something, I'm baked and phones are small.
you are one of the most articulate and well spoken members of this forum.
Hmmm, being despised by clueless, right-wing nutjobs ...And you are one of the most despised people on this site.
And you are who?Hmmm, being despised by clueless, right-wing nutjobs ...
That's a good thing, huh Buck!?
And here comes Ub's biggest fan.Hmmm, being despised by clueless, right-wing nutjobs ...
That's a good thing, huh Buck!?
You forgot to call them racist.Hmmm, being despised by clueless, right-wing nutjobs ...
That's a good thing, huh Buck!?
True, to have general price inflation, but the Fed was hand tied by the banks not giving out loans. So the money went into the financial world and now we have major inflation in equities and bonds instead.
The money has to be used in the economy and has to be met by full-employment (or full capacity utilization) before inflation truly happens in the classical sense.
"Stock market is at an all time high"True, to have general price inflation, but the Fed was hand tied by the banks not giving out loans. So the money went into the financial world and now we have major inflation in equities and bonds instead.
I've read your posts, Son. It really doesn't matter where on the "political spectrum" my views are, because your views are way "out there."I love how Roli automatically assumes everyone who doesn't agree with himself or Stormfront buck is a right wing nutjob. What he doesn't realize is that when you are way out on the left edge, just about everyone is a right wing nut job because just about everyone is to the right of you in the political spectrum.
That and racist, racist, racist.
True, to have general price inflation, but the Fed was hand tied by the banks not giving out loans. So the money went into the financial world and now we have major inflation in equities and bonds instead.
That last sentence made me dizzy.... Not the smiley one :]I've read your posts, Son. It really doesn't matter where on the "political spectrum" my views are, because your views are way "out there."
What's really pathetic is that you actually think you are paying attention!
says the plgiarist who supports rawn pawl and denial of service based on skin color.Iwhen you are way out on the left edge, just about everyone is a right wing nut job because just about everyone is to the right of you in the political spectrum.
We need men and women of integrity to fill our publicThe funny thing is if any of us were in the position to be given large bundles of semi-legit cash we'd probably take it too.
At least Republicans don't try hide it.
There are still some good ones out thereI
We need men and women of integrity to fill our public
Integrity in politics is lost these days imo.
Even good people will take the cash when it's being legally rubbed in your face.I
We need men and women of integrity to fill our public
Integrity in politics is lost these days imo.
Not according to this lady you don'tI
We need men and women of integrity to fill our public
Integrity in politics is lost these days imo.