Dick pics, for or against?

Shit I thought it was Daphne. I'm getting old! :)[/QUOT
No way!! I think it's time you went on a banning spree!! Lol

I'd peg you as lara croft any day!

When I was little I wanted to be She-ra!!! Wonder woman also! Do you know those two sunni?
Wonder Woman eh? LOL

When I was young I wanted to grow up to be June Cleaver or Harriet Nelson.
is this better?
The sock/shoes are wrong.

@curious2garden : WTF??? JUNE C.? you ARE twisted my dear. LOL. Admit it, you just wanted to be able to say things like "aren't you being a bit hard on the Beaver?"
im sure medical dick pics will be allowed , as were all into learning and whatnot . i would also include vag pics , this could get ...
I posted my penis on 1 of my threads about my penis a while back.
my penis got erased but I did not get a warning or anything.

I wonder if I have penis posting privileges because my penis is up to par.
Lucky gal! Mine looks at me really menacingly with the threat of beating me up! ;)

I like them when they get all purple and menacing and leaking :) sigh........ such promise...... honestly though I spent 20 years between the ER and the OR. We all go through an excitatory stage during induction, it's why we can't breathe down adults. Anyway in that stage men wave their freak flag :) I got the DATA on who is packing based on physical landmarks! It's only wrong about 10% of the time. But that's acceptable losses to moi.....