Yes or no ? Freedom or slavery ?

Semantics, I still don't think of it as a human baby, despite me having misused that term previously.

You're still Clownshoes.

Binders full of fail.

if you're arguing that your words are meaningless, then i have no choice but to agree and concede.
Walrus + Internet Gaylord with tiny schmekle = Uncle Buck's Marriage
Well yes, exactly like giving Sky a pass on her "Black girls acting like monkeys jumping all over themselves" comment.

She been getting more and more racist every time she posts. He has refused to so much as acknowledge it, let alone address it. By his own standards, if he doesn't condemn her as a racist he must be one himself. By not calling her out on it he is agreeing with her. We all already know he is the biggest racist here though.
She been getting more and more racist every time she posts. He has refused to so much as acknowledge it, let alone address it. By his own standards, if he doesn't condemn her as a racist he must be one himself. By not calling her out on it he is agreeing with her. We all already know he is the biggest racist here though.
Of course Buck is a racist, he has had an account over at stormfront for 11 years now.
Suppose that there was a button in front of you that if you pushed it would, in one instant, abolish all the governmental controls and regulations on the U.S. economy. Would you push that button, and transform America into a society of free men associating with each other on the basis of voluntary exchange, with government limited to protection of life, liberty and honestly acquired property?


(the question above was an excerpt from an article I did not write, but thought the question would encourage some discussion)

Have at it.
i just broke the button..
Suppose that there was a button in front of you that if you pushed it would, in one instant, abolish all the governmental controls and regulations on the U.S. economy. Would you push that button, and transform America into a society of free men associating with each other on the basis of voluntary exchange, with government limited to protection of life, liberty and honestly acquired property?

In a perfect world, of course

In the real world, no fuckin' way

This is a weird naive picture of the world whoever posed this question initially wants it to be..

In what world would society turn into a utopia of "free men associating with each other on the basis of voluntary exchange"?

That's laughable. The world is made up of finite resources men use to control other men in our most basic instincts. What you have, I want. Whether you want to give it to me or not is irrelevant to how sharp my blade is..

The world was once run this way and men better than me decided to change it so I wouldn't have to live and grow up in the same shithole as them..

Regulation and government control isn't the problem. The problem is over-regulation & crony-capitalism
In a perfect world, of course

In the real world, no fuckin' way

This is a weird naive picture of the world whoever posed this question initially wants it to be..

In what world would society turn into a utopia of "free men associating with each other on the basis of voluntary exchange"?

That's laughable. The world is made up of finite resources men use to control other men in our most basic instincts. What you have, I want. Whether you want to give it to me or not is irrelevant to how sharp my blade is..

The world was once run this way and men better than me decided to change it so I wouldn't have to live and grow up in the same shithole as them..

Regulation and government control isn't the problem. The problem is over-regulation & crony-capitalism

“If you want government to intervene domestically, you’re a liberal. If you want government to intervene overseas, you’re a conservative. If you want government to intervene everywhere, you’re a moderate. If you don’t want government to intervene anywhere, you’re an extremist.”

- Joseph Sobran
“If you want government to intervene domestically, you’re a liberal. If you want government to intervene overseas, you’re a conservative. If you want government to intervene everywhere, you’re a moderate. If you don’t want government to intervene anywhere, you’re an extremist.”

- Joseph Sobran
What if you ideologically (on an academic level) oppose Govt control but as a realist accept that some is necessary to make sure everyone plays nice but it should be limited to where it is absolutely necessary?
What if you ideologically (on an academic level) oppose Govt control but as a realist accept that some is necessary to make sure everyone plays nice but it should be limited to where it is absolutely necessary?

then you are a slave sheeple! enjoy that boot on your throat and your FEMA camps!
What if you ideologically (on an academic level) oppose Govt control but as a realist accept that some is necessary to make sure everyone plays nice but it should be limited to where it is absolutely necessary?

Good question. I think the one thing that we all agree on is that in any conventional system or non conventional system a method to work out disputes between people is a good thing.

The Free Market gives us hope in that situation. The phenomena of "feed back" works well on Amazon and E-Bay. For more detailed analysis of how a free market can further solve these issues, I urge you to check out one of my favorite books The Market For Liberty. There is a chapter that goes into detail on free market dispute resolutions. The book is written from a 1970ish tone, but the points are still relevant.

Back to your question.....Keeping coercive government going is like having a pet T-Rex. When he's small he's manageable, by the time he eats your cat, you begin to realize as he might be next. Peace.
some whiny bitch thinks we're all slaves right now?

well isn't that cute.

Man,i cant look at that little animal eatin dirt without smiling,it reminds me of 1 of our American Bulldogs who grubs down on soil from my mother plants & comes out of the room with dirty dog lips just like that little dude.

Im still trying to find out if he's a baby hippo or not,its killin me i gotta know .